Politíca de Língua, Globalização e Diversidade Linguística (PLDL)
Cod: 53040
Department: DH
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Language
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 30

This Curricular Unit (UC) aims to encourage discussions in the defining social and political areas that contribute to the definition and implementation of language policies. Contribute to acknowledge the relevance of the how and why understand linguistic diversity and the inevitable contact that are unavoidable in the spaces where the speakers interact, are so crucial to empower intercultural societies, and to what extent language policy decisions affect speakers lives in a globalized world. The UC is organized in 4 modules, 4 axes of theoretical discussion that compete for the learning objectives. Public policies on education, policies in domestic and foreign levels, and in the case of global languages, relate to their geopolitical spaces, including global and international/regional multilateral organizations.
This UC aims to present theoretical and analytical tools in order to analyse diversity in a critical perspective within Language Policy and its social and political impacts.


At the end of this seminar, doctoral students should be able to:
- Understand the nature, relevance and aims of Language Policies within a social and geopolitical framework characterized by globalization and linguistic diversity;
- Understand the role of different intervention plans (in both national and international contexts), strategies and social consequences of language policies and language planning/management;
- Understand and identify the role of Language Policies in the context of Portuguese Language Promotion abroad (and its internal dimension in the context of migration) and its impact on the education systems in which it is integrated

1. The scientific domain of Language Policy and its Planning;
1.1. Language policy and social change;
1.2. Language planning or language management?
2. Language policy and public policies;
2.1. Language policy in the context of educational policies;
2.2. Provision of foreign languages in the education system within an economic framework.
3. Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Plurilingualism and its social impact;
3.1. Ecology of languages;
3.2. Language and identity;
3.3. Linguistic diversity and status of languages in the public space;
3.4. Language rights and Human rights.
4. The issue of the external diffusion of language:
4.1. Language and power in International Organizations.
4.2. Economic dimension of global languages;
4.2.1. Glotophagy, linguistic imperialism and languages in contact;
4.2.2. Image and attractiveness of global languages.
4.3. Geopolitical dimension of the countries that complain of the pluricontinental space of the Portuguese language;
4.4. Portuguese Foreign Language and Portuguese Language of Inheritance as central poles of intervention of Camões, IP.

AA. VV. (2004) A Língua Portuguesa: Presente e Futuro. Actas, Lisboa, FCG, Portugal.
Calvet, L.-J. (2002) Le marché aux langues - Les effets linguistiques de la mondialisation. Paris, Plon, França.
Cooper, Robert L. (1989), Language Planning and Social Change. Cambridge, Cambridge UP.
Filipe, Mário (2006) Promoção da Língua Portuguesa no Mundo: Hipótese de Modelo Estratégico, Repositório Aberto.
Hult, Francis, M.; Johnson, David Cassels (Editors), (2015) Research Methods in Language Policy and Planning, Wiley Blackwell, UK.
Johnson, David Cassels (2013) Language Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, UK.
Reto, Luís; Machado, Fernando Luís; Esperança, José Paulo (2016) Novo Atlas da Língua Portuguesa, IN-CM, Lisboa, Portugal.
Ricento, Thomas; Peled, Yael; Ives, Peter, (Editors), (2014) Language Policy and Political Theory, Building Bridges, Assessing Breaches, Springer, Switzerland.
Spolsky, Bernard (2009). Language Management, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, UK.


Evaluation is done through appropriate participation in the forums and / or with collaborative work (group or individual). Evaluation criteria: scientific rigor and mastery of concepts; clarity of communication, ability to synthesise and relevance of contents.

UC opcional