Advanced Research Methodologies in Distance Education and eLearning I
Cod: 13030
Department: DEED
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 40

The Advanced Research Methodologies in Distance Education and eLearning seminars (ARM I and ARM II) aim at providing advanced training in research methodologies and developing methodological skills for carrying out original scientific research in DEEL. In Advanced Research Methodologies in Distance Education and eLearning I the structuring and critical dimensions of the research plan, the main stages of the research process and the dissemination of results are addressed.

DEEL, Epistemologies; Ethic; Literature review; Research and Data Analysis Methodologies


It is intended that the student:

- Critically analyze different epistemological perspectives underlying research in Education.

- Deepen skills in systematic review of the literature and its consistency with the research questions and objectives.

 - Develop methodological skills in design and development of scientific research in Distance Education and eLearning.

- Analyse and select methods and research techniques appropriate to the theoretical frameworks and research contexts.

- Critically analyse studies developed based on different types of methodologies.

- Discuss and deepen the debate on ethical issues in the development and dissemination of research.

- Epistemologies and ethical issues of educational research. Distance Education and eLearning (DEEL) as a research field; Epistemologies of educational research; From positivism to post-modern paradigms; Ethical issues of research.

- Research questions, theoretical frameworks and systematic literature review.

Issues of research in DEEL; Analytical frameworks of educational research; Methodologies for literature review.

- Research strategies and techniques.

Types of sampling; Case studies; Experimental studies; Types of surveys; Questionnaires; Narrative techniques; Interview, Focus groups - Observation.

- Dissemination and impact of research in DEEL.

Research networks and internationalization of research; Types of publications and dissemination of research.

Cooper, R., & Desir, C. (2010). Strategically reviewing the research literature in qualitative

research. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 4(2), 88-94.

Creswell, J., & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th edition). Sage.

Creswell, J.L; & Poth, C. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches (4th edition). Sage.

Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (5th edition). Sage. 14

Neuman, W. L. (2012). Basics of social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson Canada.

Gutiérrez, K. D. & Jurow, S. (2016): Social Design Experiments: Toward Equity. Design, Journal of the Learning Sciences. DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2016.1204548

Zawacki-Richter, O., & Anderson, T. (2014). Online distance education: Towards a research agenda. AU Press.

In the seminar it is expected the existence of autonomous and collaborative working processes, promoting activities of: a) analysis and discussion of scientific texts b) participation in online seminars; c) elaboration of sketches of research plans; d) analysis of study in the field of EDEL; e) sharing and discussion of work done in restricted forums and in platforms and other open initiatives. The seminar takes place on online platforms, using Web 2.0 devices. The virtual classroom expands to broader contexts where problems of research in EDEL are discussed and shared. The individual and group work will be shared and discussed in forums and diverse platforms, open or restricted, and will be part of the e-portfolio that the student will develop throughout his doctoral studies.

Evaluation is part of the learning process itself. It is continuous, formative and procedural, based on the work and digital artefacts produced during the seminar. It has the following aspects: self-assessment, peer and teacher assessment. The final classification of the seminar follows the UAb's evaluation and classification regulations, being descriptive and quantitatively expressed on a scale from 0 to 20.