Mediation in Educational Contexts
Cod: 11069
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

School and other educational contexts are spaces where the existence of conflict is part of day today. The conflict with another other, with oneself and with the institution is at the center of the educative relation. For the student/trainee, conflict is the engine of his evolution, so long as the teacher/trainer helps him to choose the reference points, to control/dominate its internal forces and to assume responsibility for his actions. Mediation within a  constructivist paradigm, is considered not only as most flexible latest instrument for peaceful resolution of  conflicts as well the promoter of a new culture of conflict resolution. This course will address and contextualize conflicts in educational  contexts and present school mediation and peer mediation, and its  implementation  process both mediation at meso and micro the levels.





Intervention programmes

At the end of this Curricular Unit, the student should have acquired the following skills:

• Understand the development and learning processes of individuals and groups throughout life;

• Observe and analyze contexts and activities with educational and training dimensions;

• Adapt different mediation approaches to the specificity of problems and contexts;

• Identify risk and vulnerability situations that require the intervention of a socio-educational mediator;

• Mediate risk and conflict situations;

• Integrate pluralism and respect for diversity into inclusive professional practices;

• Critically report the results of mediation programmes and projects;

• Demonstrate critical and self-critical sense and ethical commitment.

Theme 1: Socio-educational mediation: theoretical and conceptual approach.

Theme 2: Social and Cultural Contexts of Mediation.

Theme 3: Mediators and Mediation Contexts.

Theme 4: Conflict Mediation.


Almeida, V., M. (2010). O Mediador Sócio-Cultural em Contexto Escolar. Contributos para a compreensão da sua função social. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. ISBN 978-972-8980-84-9

Amado, J., & Vieira, C. (2010). Notas sobre a Mediação de Conflitos em Contexto Escolar. ED.UC. Portal de Ensino a Distância, Universidade de Coimbra. (texto disponibilizado online pelos docentes).

Bauman, Z. (2007). Liquid Times: living in a age of uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Boqué, M. (2003) Cultura de mediación y cambio social. Ed. Gedisa. España

Correia, J. A. (2003). Da mediação local ao local da mediação, Sociedade & Culturas, 20, pp. 167-191; 

Costa, A. M., & Moreira, M. (Orgs.) (2003). Formação e Mediação Sócio-Educativa. Porto: Areal Editores. ISBN 978-989-647-039-5.

Costa, E., Almeida, L. & Melo, M. (2009). A Mediação para a Convivência entre pares: Contributos para Formação em Alunos do Ensino Básico. Atas do X Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia. Braga: Universidade do Minho. ISBN 978-972-8746-71-1.

Costa, M. E. (2003). Gestão de Conflitos na Escola. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN 972-674-369-9 - pág 195 a 290.

Cunha, P.& Monteiro, A.P. (2018). Gestão de Conflitos na Escola. Lisboa: Pactor. ISBN 978-989-693-084-4

Dubar, C. (2000). La crise des identitès. L’interprétation d’une mutation. Paris: PUF.

Faget, J. (2010). Médiations, les ateliers silencieux de la démocratie. Paris: Érès.

Grave-Resendes, L., & Caldeira, M.S-J. (Orgs.) (2003). Conferência Internacional sobre Prevenção da Violência na Escola. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN 972-674-402-4 (textos disponibilizados online pelos docentes).

Schnitman, D. F., & Littlejohn, S. (orgs.) (2000). Novos paradigmas em mediação. Brasil: Artmed

Silva, A. M. (2011). Mediação e(m) educação: discursos e práticas. Revista Intersaberes , 6, 249-265.

Silva, A. M., Caetano, A., Freire, I., Moreira, M., Freire, T., & Ferreira, A. S. (2010). Novos actores no trabalho em educação: os mediadores socioeducativos, Revista Portuguesa de Educação , 119-151.

Six, J. F. (2002). Les Médiateurs. Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu.

Torremorell, M. C. (2008). Cultura de Mediação e Mudança Cultural. Porto: Porto Editora.

Vinyamata, E. (2003) Aprender mediación. Barcelona. España: Ed. Paidós.



 Cohen, R. (2005). Students Resolving Conflict: Peer Mediation in Schools.Good Year Books.

Deutsch, M. & Coleman, P. T. (2000). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution – Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Seijo, J.C.T. & González, A.G. (2008). Investigación evaluativa sobre el programa de mediación de conflictos en centros escolares. Revista de Educatión, 347, 369-394.

Zapata-Barrero, R., Wilhelm, J., & Llinàs, R. (2010). La mediació ciutadana: una nova política pública. Bases d’implantació. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Igualtat i Ciutadania.

The curricular unit is structured in a project work logic. From the analysis of problems, students will explore theoretical sources made available by the teacher and by themselves and define ways of intervention. Individually or in groups, they reflect on the mediation processes and on the action of the mediator in educational contexts. Based on a socio-constructivist learning perspective, the design of methodologies and training activities is based on collaboration, later to become in-depth autonomous work. Learning progresses as new issues (new themes) are incorporated into the project. Theoretical perspectives are framed in case analysis. The virtual classroom is built at the intersection of online scenarios and different digital tools where diagnostic and intervention paths are collectively rehearsed, discussed and defined. Along the themes under analysis, are activated forms of continuous interaction between teacher-students and between students, who give back to the community the role of permanent mediator of the learning carried out in forums, wikis, web conferences, email, among others. It is intended that collaborative learning, mutual support, sharing of experiences, opinions, doubts related to the themes under study be a structuring dimension of the teaching methodology.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).