Cod: 61024
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Economics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

This course unit introduces basic concepts of macroeconomics; it explains how macroeconomy is used for understanding important economic issues, and it introduces some of the consequences of monetary union in terms of economic policies.

Keynesian Model
Inflation and Unemployment
Monetary Union

At the end, students are expected to have developed competences on identifying key macroeconomic variables and on operating monetary and fiscal policies. Students are also expected to have developed self-analysis competences concerning the major economic issues.

1 - Introduction to Macroeconomics (objectives and neoclassical and Keynesian approaches)
2 - The Real Market
3 - The Monetary Market
4 - The IS/LM Model or Fixed Prices Model
5 - The Model AD-AS Model or Variable Prices Model
6 - Inflation and Unemployment
7 - Consequences of Euro Introduction in Portugal

Required (acquisition by the student))
• Sotomayor, Ana (2018). Princípios de Macroeconomia. Rei dos livros
Alternative (instead of required))
• Sotomayor, Ana Maria & Marques, Ana Cristina. (2007). Macroeconomia. Universidade Aberta. Lisboa

Required (available in the virtual classroom)
•    Comissão Europeia (2014) A União Económica e Monetária e o euro - Promover a estabilidade, o crescimento e a prosperidade na Europa. Coleção «Compreender melhor a UE»
•    . ISBN: 978-92-79-41647-7
•    Barroso, Durão. (2014)."Europa 2020": a estratégia europeia de crescimento. Comissão Europeia. Coleção «Compreender melhor a UE» . ISBN: 978-92-79-23986-1
• Amador, J.; Azevedo, J. V. e Braz, C. (2018). “Aprofundamento da União Económica e Monetária”. Banco de Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-678-629-8
•    Belbute, J.M.M. (2003). Princípios de Macroeconomia. Gradiva Publicações. Lisboa.
•    Dornbush, R.; Fisher, S. e Startz, R. (1998). Macroeconomia (7ª edição). McGraw-Hill.(ou outra edição)
•    Samuelson, P. A. e Nordhaus, W.D. (2005). Economia (18ª edição). McGraw-Hill.(ou outra edição)
•    Sotomayor, Ana Maria (2014). Exercícios de Macroeconomia.. Rei dos Livros
•    Materials and texts available in the virtual classroom


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Secondary School mathematical knowledge level is required.
It is recommended the attendance of the not mandatory UC Preparatory Mathematics (21160)