Literatura e Imaginário
Cod: 52029
Department: DH
Scientific area: Humanities
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 44

This course unit begins by defining methodologies, perspectives and operational concepts vital to the study of imagery. Through the study of recurrent and structuring themes of the Western culture, it highlights the structuring function of mythic matrixes, as reservoirs of forms and meanings used in the construction of an artistic work, with particular emphasis on literature.

  1. Literature and Myth
  2. Literary and artistic imaginary
  3. Identity and Imaginary: the Hero and the Otherness
  4. Imaginary: theories and practices

Thus, students are expected to be able to:
•understand theoretical writings and aesthetic discourses in a critical, articulated and reasoned manner;
•carry out a reflection or a research in a collaborative way;
•master and apply operational methodologies and concepts suitable for the study of literary imaginary;
•transfer acquired knowledge to artistic representations of different nature and time;
•search and formulate hypotheses for the development of an original work.

I.The Imaginary: concepts, approaches and methodologies

1. What is the imaginary?
2. Myth and Imaginary: working concepts
3. Approaches, hermeneutic models and methodologies: Jung, G. Bachelard; G. Durand, systemic approach
4. The Imaginary: A multidisciplinary approach

II - Monsters and Heroes: identity trajectories

1.The hero mythologem: models and transformations (literature, advertising, film, iconography, cartons, etc.)
2.Defying representation: the monster
3.The hero and the monster in literature and arts: compared readings

III - Virtual imaginaries

1. Iconoclasts and Inconophiles
2. The digital revolution
3. Contemporaries images: splendor and crisis of the symbolic imaginary

BERTIN, G., «Pour l'Imaginaire, principes et méthodes», Revue Esprit Critique, 4, 2, Février 2002 (
BRUNEL, P., Dictionnaire des mythes littéraires, Monaco, Ed. du Rocher, 1988.
_________, Mythocritique: théories et parcours, Paris, PUF, 1992.
CHAUVIN, D. et alii, Questions de mythocritique. Dictionnaire, Paris, Imago, 2005.
CLAMOTE CARRETO, C., «Anatomie de la différence. Le corps déréglé et les outrances de l'écriture épique (XIIe-XIIIe siècles), Micrologus. Natureza, Scienze e Società Medievali, XX, 2012, p. 191-222.
DURAND, G., A imaginação simbólica (trad. Maria de Fátima Morna), Lisboa, Arcádia, 1979.
____________. As estruturas antropológicas do Imaginário (trad. Helder Godinho), Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 1989.
____________, Introduction à la mythodologie. Mythes et sociétés, Paris, A. Michel, 1996.
____________, «L'anthropologie et les structures complexes», Sociétés, 98, 2007.
____________, Mito, símbolo e mitodologia (trad. H. Godinho e V. Jabouille), Lisboa, Clivagem, 1982.
GIL, J., Metamorfoses do corpo, Lisboa, A Regra do Jogo, 1980.
JUNG, C.-G. - Métamorphoses de l’âme et ses symboles, Genève, Georg, 1953.
LACAN, J., «Le symbolique, l'imaginaire et le réel», Bulletin de l'Association Freudienne, 1, 1982.
MAURON, Ch., Des métaphores obsédantes au mythe personnel. Introduction à la psychocritique, Paris, Corti, 1989.
MOLINIER, Q. (dir.), La Pensée de Gaston Bachelard, Implications philosophiques. URL:
RANK, O., Le Mythe de la naissance du héros, suivi de La légende de Lohengrin, Paris, Payot, 2000.
THOMAS, J., Introduction aux méthodologies de l’imaginaire, Paris, Ellipses, 1998.
_________, «De l’Enéide à l’Eneas. Pour une approche comparative et systémique de l’imaginaire littéraire», PRIS-MA, 49-50, 2009, 175-188.
_________, «Le 'chant profond' des mythes. État des lieux et perspectives méthodologiques», Cadernos do CEIL, 1, 2011, p. 5-27.
VIERVARD, L., «Dix imaginaires des sciences et des techniques», Lyon, Millénaire 3: Le Centre de Ressources Prospectives du Grand Lyon, 2006.
WUNENBURGER, J.-J., «L'auto-éthique: une utopie?», Les Cahiers de médiologie, 12, 2001, p. 87-93.
__________________, La Vie des images, Grenoble, PUG, 2002.
__________________, Philosophie des images, Paris, PUF, 2006.
__________________, «Promesses et désillusions de l'iconosphère électronique», Lyon, Millénaire 3: Le Centre de Ressources Prospectives du Grand Lyon, 2006.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.