História da Idade Moderna
Cod: 31041
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: History
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

After a propedeutic introduction to the Middle-Ages, this curricular unit focuses three themes:
 1. From the 16th century crisis to European Expansion - we approach European evolution at different levels (demographic, economical, political and social), namely those involving the expansion. We observe the social, political and cultural impact of the Renaissance, and the religious Reform and Counter-Reform;
2. On the 17th century - we analyze the demographical, economical and social changes that take place in Classical Europe, namely in its political systems, and we ponder on the building of a scientific sensibility, on the different military conflicts and on the changes in the extra-European world;
3.18th century, new horizons - we contextualize the economical changes during the Enlightenment, namely the Industrial Revolution and the emerging political models. We analyze international conflicts and American and French revolutions, and the new European reality.

Early Modern History

This curricular unit focuses on three temporal segments (1st – 14-15th centuries; 2nd - 17th century; 3rd - 18th century) with the following objectives:
- To understand European demographic, economical and social changes during that timeline;
- To identify the main political frames that emerge in these times of change;
- To explain the sucessive changes, namely cultural and technical and scientific, that take place in the “different Europes” during these three centuries;
- To analyze the timeline of tendences of evolution and ruptures;
- To problematize facts and historical frames.

1. From the 16th century crisis to European Expansion:
1.1. the Europe(14th-16th centuries: demographic, economic and social changes;
1.2. The European policy framework: political structures and international relation;
1.3. The Renaissance: Cultural changes;
1.4. Dynamics of European expansion
1.5. The Reform and the Counter-Reformation: brief overview
2. On the 17th century:
2.1. In Classical Europe: demographic, economic and social changes;
2.2. Exercises of power: the wars and the claims of the states;
2.3. Cultural changes: the scientific spirit and the non-European world
3.  The18th century- new horizons:
3.1. The economic and social changes: the new frameworks and  the industrial revolution;
3.2. The 18th century political frameworks and international conflicts;
3.3 American and French revolutions- Brief overview
3.4. Rebalances of European political states;
3.5. The cultural evolutions and the changes in European daily lives.

-Avelar, Ana Paula, Representações de um Mundo Novo no Portugal de Quinhentos, Chamusca, Edições Cosmos, 2011.
-Chaunu, Pierre, A civilização da Europa Clássica I, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1993.
-Chaunu, Pierre, A Civilização da Europa Clássica II, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa,1993
- Chaunu, Pierre, A Civilização da Europa das Luzes I, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1995
-Chaunu, Pierre, A Civilização da Europa das Luzes II, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1995
-Delumeau, Jean , A civilização do Renascimento I, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1994
Elias, Norbert, A sociedade de corte, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1995
- Furet, François, Ensaio sobre A Revolução Francesa, Lisboa, A Regra do Jogo, 1978
-Mauro, Fréderic, A Expansão Europeia, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1995
Vovelle, Michel, Breve história da Revolução Francesa, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1994.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).