Globalização Económica e Contestação Social (GECS)
Cod: 43018
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Economics
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 30

The curricular unit deals with four major themes subject to economic globalization: the process of historical construction, financial markets, business and social contestation.
After brief considerations about the concept of globalization and its various dimensions (economic, political, cultural and ideological), to situate this theme in its context, this first module focuses on the processes of global economic history. It gives greater emphasis to the themes of economic expansion and technological and production transformations, the division of labor, inequalities of wealth and income. Finally, from a perspective of long economic history, it deepens our understanding of the link between globalization and development, focusing especially on the last 80 years.
Financial markets can be seen as an early adopter of globalization. The role of key international institutions such as the IMF and World Bank contributed to an increased degree of globalization in the financial markets. Overall, it moves from the single-country focus of other finance modules and gives students an international perspective on finance and how the risks can be spread out all over the world. A view on the role of regulation is also provided in order to better address how free ride can limit equality and fairness of market participants.
Globalization has shifted some of the influence and capacity of political and economic direction of states to transnational corporations, which massively expanded activity across national boundaries. It is therefore necessary to study the challenges inherent in this process: large corporations operate in territories where, on the one hand, their home states have no legal standing and, on the other hand, the legal and democratic building is rather fragile (as in certain regions to be developed). Finally, a brief summary of the different geographic and cultural perspectives on corporate social responsibility will be made.
In the fourth and last theme we will look at some contemporary social movements, namely the anti-globalization movements. With an increasing media space, its status in public opinion ranges from the desired return of populations to the center of the political stage and the threat to the benefits of globalization, sometimes violent and reactive. These movements are characterized by the heterogeneity of objectives, having in common the idea that free trade and transnational corporations are contributing to the ecological crisis and shaping a society with greater social inequalities.

economic history
corporate social responsibility

Identify the main historical milestones of economic globalization
Describe the phenomenon of economic globalization and its repercussions Understanding the global phenomenon of trade in production and labour
 Interpret the role of international institutions in the phenomenon of globalization Understanding the Role of Markets for the Global Economy
Identify some of the challenges of economic globalization, including social exclusion, development and governance
Discuss the intervention of multinational companies in the social, economic and environmental spheres
Analysing contemporary social movements in the globalized world
Understanding the actions of resistance movements in relation to the spheres of economic and political power

1. Economic History of Globalization
1.1. Introduction to the process of economic globalization
1.2. Division of labour and production at international and global level
1.3. Economic globalization and social exclusion
1.4. Globalization and development
2. Global markets and Institutions
2.1. Financial institutions and deregulation
2.2. Financial markets
2.3. Regional economic blocs
3. Business and transnationalism
3.1. Emerging patterns in global governance: the relationship between state, business and civil society
3.2. Corporate Social Responsibility in the international arena
3.3. Readings from the periphery
4. Social Movements, Power and Resistance
4.1. Globalization and social movements
4.2. Power and resistance: concepts and debates
4.3. The global justice movement

Allen, R. C. (2011). Global economic history: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Crowther, D., & Aras, G. (Eds.). (2012). Global perspectives on corporate governance and CSR. Gower Publishing.
Colaço, R., & Simão, J. (2018). Disclosure of corporate social responsibility in the forestry sector of the Congo Basin. Forest Policy and Economics, 92, 136-147.
El-Ojeili, C., & Hayden, P. (2006). Critical theories of globalization: an introduction. Palgrave Macmillan.
Fligstein, N., & Calder, R. (2015). Architecture of markets. In R.Scott & S. Kosslin (Eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Wiley.
Fominaya, C. F. (2014). Social movements and globalization: How protests, occupations and uprisings are changing the world. Palgrave Macmillan.
Levy, D., & Kaplan, R. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility and theories of global governance: strategic contestation in global issue arenas. In A. Crane, A. McWilliams, D. Matten & D. Siegel (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Oxford University Press.
Schmukler, S. L., & Abraham, F. (2017). Financial Globalization. Policy Research Working Paper. World Bank.

Evaluation is done through appropriate participation in the forums and / or with written assignments (group or individual). Evaluation criteria: scientific rigor and mastery of concepts; clarity of communication, ability to synthesise and relevance of contents.