Formação Avançada em Infraestrutura Web
Cod: 23042
Department: DCET
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Technology and Web Systems
Total working hours: 405
Total contact time: 100

This learning unit aims to provide students with an overview on the main subjects and research areas that focus on infrastructures and technologies that support web-based systems.

Web programming and web services
Web and network architectures
Web systems and platforms
Mobile computational

After concluding this learning unit, the student must able to:
-Identify, classify, select and apply concepts and technologies on infrastructures for the web;
-Analyze, conceive and design systems and services for the web, taking into account diverse use scenarios;
-Develop web applications with dynamic contents and adapted or adaptable to specific use scenarios;
-Integrate web systems and organize communication processes between applications;
-Identify and investigate emerging technologies, and foresee innovative applications.

This learning unit is divided into several topics, each corresponding to a research theme, and taught by people from the respective scientific area, from UAb and UTAD. All modules include theoretical foundations, state of the art and research conducted at UAb and UTAD, as well as evolution perspectives on the respective theme. The modules currently in offer are:-Software and Service Architectures
-Conversational Interfaces and Virtual Assistants
-Web Platforms
-High Performance Computing
-Web Accessibility
-Interaction and Advanced Interfaces
-Infra-structure for Immersive and Mixed Environments
-Advanced Computing for Earth and Space Observation

  • SHAW, M., GARLAN, D. (1996), Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline, Prentice Hall.
  • PAPAZOGLOU, M. (2007), Web Services: Principles and Technology, Prentice-Hall.
  • CHEN, Y. and TSAI, W-T. (2014), Service-Oriented Computing and Web Software Integration (Fourth Edition), , Arizona State University, Kendall Hunt Publishing, ISBN: 9781465251619
  • SANDOE, K., CORBITT, G. (2000), Raymond Boykin Enterprise Integration,, Wiley, ISBN: 9780471359937
  • GRAMA, A., KARYPIS, G., KUMAR, V., GUPTA, A. (2003), Introduction to Parallel Computing, 2 edition, Pearson - Addison Wesley.
  • POSLAD, S. (2009), Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions. Wiley.
  • PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H. (Organizadores) (2012), Sistemas Colaborativos. Elsevier Brasil.

BORGHOFF, U., SCHLICHTER, J. (2000), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Springer.

The evaluation of this LU includes a dimension of continuous nature, taking into account the quality of the questions and problems that the student posed to the teacher and the class; the discussion had online, in virtual classroom; the quality of the (self) reflection elaborated on the result of the individual practical working assignments and also on the group development of a proposed practical exercise. The weighting factors and the evaluation criteria will be subject of negotiation between teacher and students.
Throughout the year, students will be integrated into research groups within the modules, participating in the analysis of problems and developing solutions and prototypes in order to find relevant results or new artefacts that render concrete knowledge achieved in each module.

Given the technological nature of this learning unit, the teaching/learning process follows an approach based on online collaborative theoretical-practical learning, in virtual class, that involves the realization of practical assignments, both individual and in group, whose results are presented in both online and face-to-face session, to ensure mutual complementarity between theory and practice.