Estudos Literários Comparados
Cod: 51146
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literary Studies
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit aims to increase knowledge about the literary phenomenon by using comparative procedures suitable for providing students with better literary competencies. It will also deepen an understanding of "otherness", in its literary and cultural aspects. This study is based on sound theoretical and methodological preparations in Literary Studies, centered in Comparative Literature, an inter and trans-disciplinary field, permitting further definition of the areas of reflection and research in Comparative Literary Studies.

Literary and cultural Alterity
Inter and Transdisciplinarity

Students are expected to be able to:
•Absorb the main concepts and  potentialities of ‘comparativism’ (dealing with poetics, imaginary, intertextuality),
•Acquire the capacity to apply these potentialities to the literary domain and its relationship with different arts and other fields of knowledge
•Acquire a deeper and wider understanding of “alterity” through literary articulation/cultural imagology
•Acquire a deeper understanding of the cultural differences leading to a better understanding of “alterity” in the arts, culture and social life.


I Comparative procedures
II  Understanding “the other”
- national/foreign dialogues
- importance of “translations”
- travel writing
III  Literary/ cultural imagology
- from influence to reception
- stereotypes, images, the imaginary
IV Themes and Myths
V  Inter-Art dialogues

BUESCU, Helena. Grande angular, comparatismo e práticas de comparação. Lisboa: FCT/FCG, 2001 (chapters  supplied online)
MACHADO, Álvaro Manuel; PAGEAUX, Daniel-Henri.  Da Literatura Comparada à Teoria da Literatura. Lisboa: Presença, 2001
STEINER, George. Paixão intacta. Lisboa:  Relógio d´Água, 2003 [1996] (chapters  supplied online)
Other Bibliography:
BRUNEL, Pierre; CHEVREL, Yves (org). Compêndio de Literatura Comparada. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004.
BUESCU, Helena et al. (org.). Floresta Encantada. Novos Caminhos da Literatura Comparada. Lisboa: D. Quixote, 2001
GUILLÉN, Cláudio.  Entre lo uno y lo diverso – Introducción a la Literatura Comparad. Barcelona:  Crítica, 1985
An additional online bibliography will be supplied.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).