Estatística e Análise de Dados Aplicada à Gestão
Cod: 62019
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Mathematics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This curricular unit (CU) aims to provide the theoretical-practical knowledge of statistical methods focused on studies in Management, aided by statistical software.

Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Correlation and Regression
Multivariate Statistics

It is hoped that upon completion of this course unit the student will be able to:
1 - Select the descriptive and graphic measures and perform an analysis of a set of data, interpreting in the context of the study;
2 - Formulate statistical hypotheses, identify sampling methods and statistical inference, namely, Confidence Intervals, hypothesis tests;
3 - Study relationships of interdependence using correlation and regression models;
4 - Know and know how to apply other multivariate techniques and, having acquired this knowledge, be able to identify the most appropriate methods for concrete objectives.
5 - use the SPSS statistical software (or another equivalent) on a database, select the analyses, interpret the results and indicate the limitations.-

1. Review of Descriptive Statistics. Sampling plans and data collection, instruments. Introduction to SPSS software: The SPSS editor, creation of data files and variables. Descriptive and exploratory analysis.
2. Statistical Inference. Review of important distribution laws; Basic concepts in estimation and hypothesis testing.
3. Parametric and non-parametric tests. Testing for Association and Group Comparison (2 and 3 or more samples)
4. Correlation and Linear Regression (simple and multiple). SPSS commands for accomplishing the statistical treatment corresponding to the previous topics.
5. Topics in other Multivariate Methods. MANOVA, Principal Components Analysis and Cluster Analysis. Corresponding SPSS commands.
6. Study of examples, with SPSS, interpretation and critical analysis of results. Comments and report writing. Limitations.

Reis, E., Calapez T. Estatística Aplicada, Vol II. Ed. Sílabo. (Edição 2008 ou posterior)
Reis, Elizabeth, (2001) Estatística Multivariada Aplicada, 2ª Edição, Ed. Sílabo.
João Maroco. Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statistics (2018), 7ª Ed., ReportNumber.
Jonhson R.A., Wichern D. W., (2002) Applied Multivariate Statistical Methods, Prentice Hall.
Complementary Bibliography:
Newbold, P., Carlson, W., Thorne, B., (2003) Statistics for Business and Economics, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, New Jersey


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Contract of the course unit.

Additional study materials will be available on the e-learning platform.