Cod: 41025
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 12
Scientific area: Social Politics
Total working hours: 312
Total contact time: 30

Internship consists on a professional-teaching practice developed in a public, private or associative/cooperative sector institution under the supervision of an academic counsellor and a professional counsellor. Students will be required to participate in a project in a full working environment, allowing the enrichment of the professional component of the degree.

Professional practice
Social policy
Social work

The intention is that, at the end of the Internship, the student will have acquired the following competences:

Critical reflection about social reality;
Interpersonal relationship;
Organizational integration;
Practical use of knowledge in a working environment;
Critical analysis of the methodological tools and techniques in a working environment

Theoretical corpus on social intervention in the area the internship is to be accomplished (health, education, social security, local power, etc.);
Research methodology in social sciences;
Methods and rules to develop academic and scientific works.

Bell, Judith (1997) Como realizar um projecto de investigação. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Carmo, Hermano; Ferreira, Manuela Malheiro (2008 ou 1998) Metodologia da Investigação. Guia para Auto-aprendizagem. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Guerra, Isabel Carvalho (2000) Fundamentos e processos de uma sociologia da acção. O planeamento em Ciências Sociais. Cascais: Principia.
Hespanha, Pedro; Grilo, Patrícia; Rodrigues, Sofia; Sousa, Liliana (2007) Famílias pobres: Desafios à intervenção social, Lisboa: CLIMEPSI Editores.
Quivy, Raymond; Campenhoudt, LucVan (1998) Manual de investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva.

During the Internship be given many authors, journals, articles, links to the specific issue…


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 or 3 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a presence-based final exam (p-folio) in the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final presence-based exam (100%).

The inscription on the stage course requires that (a) student has completed 120 ECTS of the course: 96 ECTS of the largest, including necessarily Social Sciences Methodology - Qualitative Methods and Methodology of Social Sciences - Quantitative Methods; 24 ECTS minor if Social Services, among which must have made or be enrolled in the following courses: Community Development and General Theory of Social Service, in the first semester, and Social Intervention with Groups and Psychosocial Intervention in the second semester.