Ensinar e Aprender: teorias e práticas
Cod: 12012
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 36

This course unit makes students familiar with a repertoire of teaching-learning models, promoting the comprehension and appropriation of their psychological, sociological and pedagogical dimensions. From the identification of their paradigms, these dimensions have their roots in the field of philosophy. It is useful to ground the theoretical foundations of didactic praxis so that this can have guiding lines and that the changes, due to the results of the applicable assessments of the parameters framing the models of teaching-learning, can be justified. These models should be identified, selected and applied, considering certain conditions which have to do with the objectives and the perception of the different variables which characterize the atmosphere and/or context, coming together as a ‘paradigm’.

Teaching stategy
Model of teaching

Students are expected to be able to, within a teaching context, contextualize the learning group, characterize the determinative elements of the surrounding area and, considering certain aims and objectives, select and draw up the application of teaching models, with their pedagogical and didactic features.

This course focuses on three units:
(i) Presuppositions in the relation between teaching and learning, approaching some principles of a philosophical, psychological, sociological and pedagogical nature considered implicit in the relation between teaching and learning;
(ii)Teaching-learning paradigms, with the presentation of theoretical paradigms which support learning and demand the understanding of their referent, making themselves founding typologies of learning. Some paradigms will be selected, and the student is to analyze, for each, the structure which make it fundamental to (or even the root of) teaching models;
(iii) Learning in varied atmospheres and contexts, aiming at the distinction and characterization of some variables which underlie both the ‘atmosphere’ and the ‘context’ prepared for learning.

Arends, Richard I.(2008). Aprender a Ensinar. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill. 
Crain, William C. (1980). Theories of Development: concepts and applications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figueiredo, A. D. and Afonso, A. P.- coord.- (2006) Managing Learning in Virtual Settings – the role of context. Hershey: Idea Group Inc.
Glasser, William (1925 1.ª ed./1998). Choice Theory in the Classroom. New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc.
Joyce, Bruce, Calhoun, Emily and Hopkins, David (1997). Models of Learning – tools for teaching. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Joyce, Bruce; Weil, Marsha with Calhoun, Emily (2004). Models of Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Pozo, Juan Ignacio (2002). Aprendizes e Mestres – a nova cultura da aprendizagem. Porto Alegre: Artmed.
Vieira, Rui Marques & Vieira, Celina (20015). Estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

A personal computer and IT competences are required. Students are encouraged to follow up and complete the course unit activities, and intervene in discussions, making a constructive contribution to the group.