Educação e Globalização (EG)
Cod: 13028
Department: DCET
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Education
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 40

Globalization is related to education in multiple forms. First of all, due to the centrality of knowledge to interpret and participate in both the changes, and in the processes of social, cultural, technological and economic transformation under way. Educational institutions, from basic to higher education, have been developing, on the one hand, educational policies of internationalization, namely through internships, partnerships and mobility programs, and on the other hand curricular contents and projects that seek to incorporate, to address and enable understanding of the main issues that are transversal to the world and to global phenomena. These two educational strands complement each other in this seminar, whose main objective is to think about the global phenomenon of education by developing critical thinking on the positive and negative aspects of the relationship between globalization and education and analysing, problematizing and reflecting on the indispensability of education and training in the construction of globalization and in the interpretation of global phenomena. For this, four thematic areas are presented, which, altogether, expose the complexity of education in the global context, helping students to develop the following competences:

Global Education
Intercultural Education
Mobility Programs

 To reflect on the processes of internationalization and mobility, at all educational levels and modalities.
 To critically analyse existing relationships between globalization and education
 To contribute to the training of professionals of education
 To develop and strengthen the relationships between educational institutions and communities.
 To develop research in global education, in education as a global phenomena and on the processes of internationalization and mobility, at all educational levels and modalities of teaching.
 To contribute to inclusion and equity in education.

Module 1 - Principles and Concepts
Global, local and educational contexts
Lifelong learning, culture and education
Global transformations in the world of work and training
Change and innovation in education
Module 2 - Internationalization and Mobility
Measures and programs of mobility in education
Digital and global educational environments
Knowledge networks, comparative studies and international schools
Presentation and analysis of existing projects
Module 3 - Global Education
Theoretical-methodological foundations of Global Education
Education for peace.
Education for Interculturality.
Integration of immigrant children
Presentation and analysis of existing projects
Module 4 - Building the Community
Living with difference in a global world
Community Empowerment and Education
Partnerships and collaborations between communities and educational institutions.
Presentation and analysis of existing projects

Calvo, D.M (2017) Globalización e internacionalización educativa. Una historia institucional del Programa ERASMUS, 1987-2014. Ler História, 2017,  71
Crose, B. (2011) Internationalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success.  International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2011, Volume 23, Number 3, 388-395 ISSN 1812-9129.
Elliott at al 2010 Education and Social Change. Connecting local and global perspectives. London: Continuum Internat. Publ.
Eurostat (2009) The Bologna Process in Higher Education in Europe: key indicators on the social dimension and mobility. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  Eurydice (2004). Integrating Immigrant Children into Schools in Europe. European Commission Brussels.
Moor, B. & Henderikx, P.  (2013) International Curriculo and Student Mobility. Advice Paper nº 12. LERU. League of European Research Universities.
Moreira, D. (2016) Fom on-campus to Online: A Trajectory of Innovation, Internationalization and Inclusion.  International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Vol.17 nº5 pp. 186-199 DOI: 10.19173/irrodl.v17i5.2384 pp. 186 -199
Moreira, D. & Antão G. (2017) “Nobody is strange”: mobility and interculturality in higher education from de viewpoint of a group of Portuguese international music students (2017). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’17 pp 633- 640. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, 2017 DOI:
Moreira, D. & Seabra, F. (2017). Mobilidade virtual em rede no contexto da Licenciatura em Educação da UAb. Em Paulo Dias, Darlinda Moreira e António Quintas-Mendes (Coord.) (2017). Novos olhares para os cenários e práticas da educação digital. Educação a Distância e eLearning, N.º 2. UAb. ISBN: 978-972-674-808-3. pp. 44-78.
OECD (2016), Education at a Glance 2016: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Urban, E. L. & Palmer, L. B. (2014) International Students 
as a Resource for Internationalization of Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International Education 2014, Vol. 18(4) 305–324
Wadhwa, R (2016) New Phase of Internationalization of Higher Education and Institutional Change. Higher Education for the Future 3(2) 227–246 DOI: 10.1177/2347631116650548
Declaração de Maastricht sobre educação global,(2002). Global Education Guidelines (tradução portuguesa) Guia Prático para a Educação Global. Editado pelo Centro Norte-Sul do Conselho da Europa – Lisboa, 2010
Sousa, J (2014) Post Modernity and Creation of Knowledge. Journal of Modern Education Review, ISSN 2155-7993, USA March 2014, Volume 4, No. 3, pp. 190-199
Suarez-Orozco (Eds) 2007 Learning in a Global Era. International Perspetives on Globalization & Education. University of California Press.
Teodoro, S. &  Aníbal, G. (2007)    A Educação em tempos de Globalização. Modernização e hibridismo nas políticas educativas em Portugal.  Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2007, 10, 13-26
UNESCO (2014) Global Citizenship Education. Preparing learners for the challenges of the twenty-first century . Published in 2014 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Tienda, M. (2013) Diversity Inclusion: Promoting Integration in Higher Education. Educational Researcher. Vol. 42 No. 9, pp. 467–475 DOI: 10.3102/0013189X13516164
© 2013 AERA.


Throughout the modules there will be evaluation activities that include the preparation of essays, reviews or summaries, along with written reflection on experiences, which represent about 40% of the evaluation. The remaining 60% will be attributed to the evaluation of the final work. There are opportunities for learning and debate in all modules, but only three will be evaluated, so the student will have to choose whether to evaluate the second or fourth module.

The language of teaching is Portuguese, but most of the learning materials will be in English.