Consumo e Ambiente
Cod: 21023
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

The new challenge of sustainable development is function of citizen behaviours, as consumers, as well as the social responsibility of the organizations, namely their environmental responsibilities. In this context, it is important to take into account the citizens and organizations as drivers of the sustainable development.

1. Sustainable development
2. Consumers
3. Companies

- To explain the drivers related to the new sustainable development;
- To explain the impacts of the consumer activities into the environment;
- To understand the consumer attitudes towards the environment;
- To explain the sustainable development as a driver of companies competitiveness.

1. The role of the consumption in modern societies
2. Consumption and sustainable development
3. Organizations and sustainable development

BCSD (2000), A eco-eficiência – criar mais valor com menos impacto.
Blasco, J. L. (2007), Os indicadores para as empresas, Fundação Santander Central Hispano.
Heidrick & Struggles (2008), Análise de resultados do estudo sobre o estado de arte das práticas de sustentabilidade em Portugal, BCSD Portugal.
Moura, A. P. & Cunha, L. M. (2010), Dinâmicas de consumo e desenvolvimento sustentável: reflexões para Portugal, Pliegos de Yuste, 112, 117 126.
Moura, A. P. (2006), Segurança e Qualidade Alimentares na Perspectiva do Consumidor_ In Segurança e Qualidade Alimentares: Perigos, Implementação ao longo da Cadeia Alimentar e Percepção do Consumidor, Cap. 10, Universidade
Aberta, Lisboa (formato Cd-rom)
Thoresen, V. (Ed.) (2005), Educação do consumidor: Linhas orientadoras, Ensino Superior, vol. 1, CNN


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).