Concepção, Gestão e Avaliação de Projectos Educativos
Cod: 12008
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 36

This course unit clarifies the concept of project and features the nature and typologies of education projects at macro, meso and micro levels. It frames the project within curricular management and problematizes the importance of the project in a perspective of change and innovation. It also analyses issues concerning the conception of projects and the management and culture of each project. It assesses projects, keeping in mind their objectives, their methods, and the tools required for the data collection necessary to the assessment, as well as the process of data collection.

Educatif projects
Project conception
Project assessement

Students are expected to be able to:
• Define parameters of planning, analysis, assessment and management of educational projects;
• Conceive and design the assessment of educational projects, to plan and applying it.

This course unit tackles the concept, types, and conceptions of educational projects, their articulation with the curricular development and the relation between projects and educational innovation. Also, it analyses different phases of project management, particularly tose related to an effective leadership management. Finally, it problematizes the role, types and tools used in project assessment.

Boutinet J-P (1996). Antropologia do Projecto. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Costa, J. A. (2003). “Projectos Educativos nas Escolas: um contributo para a sua (des)construção”, Educação e Sociedade, vol. 24(85).
Fullan, M. (2003). Liderar numa cultura de mudança. Porto: Edições Asa.
The National Science Foundation, (2002). The 2002 User Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation, in

E-Learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

O estudante deverá dominar o inglês ao nível da leitura e possuir conhecimentos de informática a nível do utilizador. Sugere-se que acompanhe e realize, em tempo útil, as actividades promovidas nesta unidade curricular.