Comportamento Organizacional
Cod: 62079
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 40

This curricular unit studies the human behavior in organizations. Its aim is to give the basic capabilities to the students, so that they can successfully deal with the psycho-sociological reality that is inherent to the organizational daily life.

Human resources

Firstly, the curricular unit gives the necessary tools to the students, so that they can recognize and explain typical behaviors that arise from the normal/daily functioning of the organizations.
Secondly, it allows the students to forecast behaviors subsequent to specific actions taken by managers of organizations.
Finally, the students will acquire the necessary proficiency to intervene consciously in the organizations, in order to stimulate the desirable behaviors and restrain the undesirable ones.

1. Individual behavior: personality, motivation and decision.
2. Groups and leadership in organizations.
3. Power, conflict and negotiation.
4. Organizational structures.
5. Organizational change.

Essential coursebooks:
1. Robbins, S., & Judge, T., Fundamentos do Comportamento Organizacional, São Paulo, Pearson. English version, available at the MOODLE site: Robbins, Stephen & Judge, Timothy, Essentials of Organizational Behavior.


2. Caetano, A., Neves, J. & Ferreira, J., Psicossociologia das Organizações, Lisboa, Sílabo.

3. The professor may indicate, for study, articles included in the b-on (database that can be accessed from Universidade Aberta and other institutions of higher education).   3. The professor may indicate, for study, articles included in the b-on (database that can be accessed from Universidade Aberta and other institutions of higher education).  



Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.