
Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Distance Learning / E-learning (6 h Teaching Language: Portuguese

This master's degree promotes the acquisition of the skills necessary to understand the processes that underlie contact and communication between cultures. This training hence aims to contribute to the exercising of active participation and citizenship in the framework of the growing complexity and diversity of contemporary societies. It is aimed at those interested in how relations between people, groups and cultures take place and how this can be used in the construction of more inclusive societies (intercultural field).

Candidates are required to meet one of the following prerequisites:

  • a licenciatura or any other legally equivalent certificate;
  • a BA obtained in a foreign university as long as the program is organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna and the country has agreed to that process;
  • a foreign academic degree approved, by the Scientific Council, as being in accordance with the licenciatura degree aims;
  • an academic curriculum, scientific or professional, that the Scientific Council has approved stating the capacity of the candidate to follow this study cycle. Besides the previous pre-requisites, the following are also fundamental for admittance to this degree:
  • Candidates with previous basic training in Political and Social Sciences or recognised professional experience in these academic field;
  • Candidates graduated in any other academic field that can prove to have professional, civic or cultural interest in any academic field of this master degree.

Curricular estructure:

The course lasts for four semesters (24 months) and it includes a curricular component and the development of an original scientific dissertation. The first and second semesters are composed of nine course units (70 ECTS). In the third and fourth semesters students are required to attend to compulsory course unit, Dissertation Guidance Seminar (10 ECTS) and to achieve the dissertation (50 ECTS).