Diversidades Culturais
Cod: 42002
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Anthropology
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 32

This course unit analyses how one of the fundamental dichotomies of our civilization evolved throughout history: nature/culture. Accordingly, it analyses how social sciences were constituted to deal with that dichotomy: semblances and differences, hierarchy, types of exclusion. Finally, it analyses how cultural and artistic practices function in face of issues on gender, ethnicity, class and generation, so as to enable the social diversity of these practices, including: oral and written culture, cultural practices and gender, cultural practices and everyday life, and youth cultures.


• Understanding and contextualizing the fundamental concepts, including culture, ethnocentrism, relation, identity;
• Reflecting critically on the relationship between cultures and the diversity of their cultural practices;
• Articulating concepts acquired in diverse social contexts of intervention.

1. Nature/s and culture/s.
2. The near and the far in social sciences (sociology and anthropology).
3. The idea of exclusion in contemporary society (gender, ethnicity, class).
4. Social diversity of cultural practices.

Cuche, D., A noção de cultura nas ciências sociais, Lisboa: Fim de Século, 1999.
Iturra, R., “Trabalho de campo e observação participante em Antropologia” in Augusto Santos Silva e Pinto, José Madureira (orgs), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto: Afrontamento, 1990.
Lenoble, R. - Esquisse d' une histoire de l' idée de nature, Albin Michel, 1969 (existe versão portuguesa).
Memmi, A., O racismo, Lisboa: Caminho, 1993.

Blended learning (online with 6 hours of  face-to-face sessions).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.