
Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: E-learning. Teaching Language: Portuguese

The master's degree has as its main objective the preparing of professionals in the fields of education and training to act in the universe of distance education and e-learning. It is aimed at diverse professional profiles, namely all those who wish to acquire, deepen or retrain skills and knowledge to perform functions of design, online teaching and tutoring, management and organization and evaluation of e-learning courses/programs, communities and organizations. This also caters for those professionals who already perform an identical function but for which they do not have a specific academic qualification. 

Candidates are required to meet one of the following pre-requisites:

  • a licenciatura or any other legally equivalent certificate;
  • a BA obtained in a foreign university as long as the program is organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna and the country has agreed to that process;
  • a foreign academic degree approved, by the Scientific Council, as being in accordance with the licenciatura degree aims;
  • an academic curriculum, scientific or professional, that the Scientific Council has approved stating the capacity of the candidate to follow this study cycle.

Curricular estructure:

The cycle of studies includes

  • a specialization, composed of eight course units, known as the curricular part of the master degree, lasting two semesters and accounting for 60 ECTS credits;
  • a scientific dissertation, unique and specially written to acquire the master degree in E-Learning Pedagogy (60 ECTS).
    Course units are from the scientific areas of Education (114 ECTS) and Psychology (6 ECTS).