Thematic Doctoral Seminar II
Cod: 43009
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The main objectives of this curricular unit are to deepen the theoretical/methodological, critical and practical research and discussion of interculturality, health and communication issues in migratory and multi/intercultural contexts. It aims at reflecting on and problematizing these issues through a multidimensional, intercultural and multi/interdisciplinary approach, involving fundamental concepts, epistemological, methodological and empirical research aspects underlying the plurality of knowledge, as well as the complexity of processes, practices, policies and powers that cross this area. It intends to understand and reflectively analyze the problems of adaptation, communication, health and illness of migrants and ethnic minorities and the vulnerabilities that affect them. It aims to analyze representations of health and illness, highlighting the complexity between these representations, social practices and critical analysis of health policies. The program is organized into two thematic axes. The first thematic axis aims to provide theoretical-conceptual and methodological elements for understanding processes, dynamics and intercultural and communicational competences in health, particularly in migratory and intercultural contexts, providing knowledge about adaptive processes and psychosocial, psychopathological, communicational and of health in general that are placed in an intercultural context for migrants and ethnic-cultural minorities, as well as the difficulties posed to health professionals and in health care, to favor the analysis, knowledge and development of skills, strategies and methodologies with a view to promoting culturally competent and innovative  communication and intervention in health and culturally adapted and integrative health care, as well as research in this field. In the second thematic axis, the syllabus contents problematize health and migration issues, providing elements for the knowledge of contexts, health units and good practices in this domain and for the understanding of health determinants and inequalities and discrimination that affect immigrants, of access and use of health services, as well as for critical analysis of public health policies.

Interculturality and communication

Intercultural skills

Health and illness

Migrations and refugees

It is intended that, at the end of the Curricular Unit, the student has acquired the following skills:

- Development of knowledge favorable to the implementation of contexts, practices and policies that promote not only health, well-being, quality of life and interculturality, but also culturally adapted communication, training, citizenship and equal opportunities in health.

- Development of in-depth theoretical-practical and methodological skills for the analysis and understanding of the different processes and dimensions of health in its different aspects, especially in intercultural and migratory contexts, and to promote research in this area.

- Ability to reflectively and critically discuss and analyze health and disease issues in their various dimensions, contexts, impacts and individual, social, organizational, cultural, migratory, communicational and political interfaces.

- Ability to frame the issues of migration and intercultural relations, health and illness in multi/intercultural contexts, within the scope of current academic, scientific and social debates around this issue related to knowledge and know-how, with inequalities, strategies and powers.

- Skills for deepening research and for a more integrative and innovative intervention in this area, but also for reflection on the challenges that arise in the promotion of health, psychological, physical and social well-being and active citizenship, while members of a society characterized by increasing multiculturalism, conflict, heterogeneity and complexity

Axis I - Interculturalities, Health and Communication in intercultural and migratory contexts - Theory, Method, Research and Practice

1. Interculturality, Health, Communication and Skills

2. Clinic and Intercultural Psychopathology

3. Research Methodologies in interculturality, communication and health

Axis II – Migrations and Health – Contexts, issues, good practices and policies

1. Health and migrations

2. The state of health of immigrants

  3. Public Policies and Health of Migrants

Bäckström, B. (2011). Accés des immigrants aux services de santé – une étude de cas à Lisbonne. Migrations santé, Paris, nº 142-143.

Bäckström, B. (2010). O acesso à saúde e os fatores de vulnerabilidade na população imigrante. Alicerces, Revista de investigação, ciência e tecnologia e artes, Edição Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, ano III, nº 3, abril de 2010, pp. 79-90.

Bäckström, B., Carvalho, A.; Inglês U. (2009). A nova imigração e os problemas de saúde em Portugal - O Gabinete de Saúde do Cnai enquanto um observatório para o estudo da saúde dos migrantes em Portugal. Revista Migrações, nº 4, abril de 2009, Observatório da Imigração.

Bäckström, B. (2009). Saúde e Imigrantes: as Representações e as práticas sobre a Saúde e a Doença na Comunidade cabo-verdiana em Lisboa. Observatório da Imigração: Coleção Teses, nº 24, Lisboa.

Franken, I., Coutinho, M. P., Ramos, N. (2012). Representações sociais, saúde mental e migração Internacional. Revista Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão. (32,1): 202-219.

Ramos, M.N. (2020). Desafios globais contemporaneos da comunicação e da saúde das populações migrantes e refugiados. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, ALAIC, São Paulo, v. 19, n. 35, p.38-49.  Nº temático: Comunicação e Saúde frente aos Desafios Planetários.

Ramos, N. (2017). Comunicação em saúde, interculturalidade e competências: desafios para melhor comunicar e intervir na diversidade cultural em saúde. In Rangel, M. L.; Ramos, N. (org.). Comunicação e saúde. Perspectivas contemporâneas. Salvador: EDUFBA, p. 149-172.

Ramos, N. (2016). Mães e famílias entre culturas: saúde, desenvolvimento e cuidados interculturais. In Rocha, M.; Ramos, N.; Santos, S.; Costa, M. D.  (org.). Seguridade social, interculturalidades e Desigualdades na contemporaneidade. Natal: EDUFRN, p. 229-269.

Ramos, N. (2012). Comunicação em Saúde e Interculturalidade – Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e Práticas. RECIIS – Revista Eletrónica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, (6), 4.

Ramos, N. (2009) Saúde, Migração e Direitos Humanos. Mudanças – Psicologia da Saúde. S. Paulo17 (1), Jan-Jun, 2009: 1-11.



Pedagogical Model for 3 cicle from UAb

Basic reading abilities in Portuguese and English are required