Thematic Doctoral Seminar I
Cod: 43005
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The main objectives of this Seminar are to provide students with in-depth theoretical knowledge and new skills to critically analyze the development of the institution of citizenship and its impact on migrants’ integration models in contemporary multicultural societies. The study focuses on a comparative approach to citizenship regimes, putting into perspective the impact of international migration and of transnational institutions on  traditional notions of nation-state’ belonging, access to citizenship and full integration.

Multicultural Societies

With reference to the learning outcomes set for the 3rd cycle, the Migration and Citizenship curricular unit aims to provide students with the following competences:

1. Identify and analyze the major themes and contemporary issues of cultural diversity and citizenship rights in the era of globalization;

2. Analyze comparative models of citizenship implemented in the European and North American context;

3. Reflect critically on the relationship between citizenship regimes and integration policies for migrant communities in Europe and North America;

4. Develop a critical view on  the development of citizenship regimes in Portugal;
5. Develop skills to conduct independent research on the topics under study within a theoretical grounded and consistent framework.

I. Citizenship, Globalization and Migration
1.1.Theoretical perspectives on citizenship and migration: multicultural citizenship and policies of equality and recognition
1.2.The new paradigms of transnational citizenship: post-national citizenship, multiple belonging and cosmopolitanism.
II. Citizenship, Migration and Nationality in the European Context
2.1. European citizenship. Normative and theoretical debates
2.2.The policies of citizenship and nationality in European states: the issue of national and post-national citizenship
III. European Citizenship and North America. Convergences and Divergences
3.1. Citizenship rights and integration models for migrant communities in Europe
3.2. Citizenship and political incorporation of immigrants in Canada and the United States
IV. Citizenship and Interculturalism Policies in Portugal
4.1. Citizenship and Migration Policies: The challenges of emigration and immigration
4.2. Interculturalism and citizen participation

Bauböck, R., B. Perchinig & W. Sievers (orgs.), 2007, Citizenship in the New Europe, IMISCOE Research Series,Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.
Benhabib, Seyla .2004, The Rights of Others, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Faist,Thomas, and Peter Kivisto, 2007, Citizenship. Discourse, Theory, and TransnationalProspects, Oxford: Blackwell.
Horta, Ana Paula Beja, 2011, “As Políticas de Imigração em Portugal. Contextos e Protagonistas”, Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa, III Série, Nº 24:233-256.
Kymlicka, Will and Wayne Norman (ed), 2000, Citizenship in Diverse Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, Charles, 1994, “A Política de Reconhecimento” pp. 45-94, in Charles Taylor (eds.) Multiculturalismo: Examinando a Política de Reconhecimento. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Zincone, G. et. al (orgs.), 2011, Migration Policymaking in Europe, IMISCOE Research., Amsterdam University Press.

The assessment of learning on this course will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation is based on weighing various assessment elements: quality of participation in discussion forums, individual and group work (critical reading and essays); final individual work

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection as well as digital literacy to work at Moodle platform. English language knowledge is required