Scientific Research Methodology and ICT applied to Portuguese as Foreign Language
Cod: 52018
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Communication Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 55

This seminar introduces students to scientific research in L2  acquisition, using ICT as an ideal psycholinguist environment for learning.  It features the processes inherent to each of the technological solutions applied to the teaching of foreign languages..

Methodology on Scientific Research
L2 Acquisition

Address the fundamental aspects for preparation and submission of scientific papers;
Provide technical basis for the preliminary steps to research;
Display an image, both panoramic and discriminated, from the universe of ICT applied to teaching and learning a foreign language;
Discuss the establishment of learning environments resulting from the crossing between the characteristics of ICT and the demands of teaching L2.

•Basic steps for preparing academic works like reading, summary and critical recension.

 Main stages experienced by the work of research, the drawing up the plan and the presentation a bibliography.

Recourse to Information and Communication Technologies on teaching and learning languages.

Planning for a project which integrates ICT and language education.

Ceia, Carlos (2001) Normas para a apresentação de trabalhos científicos. 6ª edição. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2006. -
Ceia, Carlos (2007) Algumas regras para escrever uma recensão crítica -
Eco, Umberto (1984) Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. 3ªed., trad. de Ana Falcão Bastos e Luís Leitão. Lisboa: Presença.
Frada, João José Cúcio (1991). Guia Prático para Elaboração e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. 11ªed. Lisboa: Cosmos 2001.
Piedade, Ana Nascimento (2003) Metodologia do trabalho científico e da investigação (cd-rom). Lisboa: Univ. Aberta.
Sefarini, M.Teresa (1991). Saber Estudar e Aprender. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.

TIC, ensino e aprendizagem de língua
Becta's ICT Research (2004) - What the research says about using ICT in modern foreign languages.
Becta's ICT Research (2003) - What research says about barriers to the use of ICT in teaching.
Davies, Graham (2010) Information and Communications Technology and Modern Foreign Languages in the National Curriculum: some personal views


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.