A stable reality or identity of Europe has never existed, and it will never exist. Considering different groups, places or times, Europe has always been interpreted in a specific way. The module is concerned with or focused on main themes of contemporary European reality, such as cultural values and diversity, European identity or identities, political model(s), the inter- or transcultural constitution, the cultural self-image of Europe and the impact of globalisation for Europe. Thus, the students will become acquainted with various dimensions of current European affairs. They will realise that European integration is not a teleological process, but a continuous attempt to create and recreate a common (inter- or transcultural) identity and social cohesion within an immense socio-cultural diversity.
Cultural History of Europe (20th and 21st century)
By concluding this module, students should be able:
- to reflect on the development of European identity, from the second half of the 20th century, and identify different cultural practises in everyday life in contemporary Europe;
- to understand the function of cultural memory in the European present;
- to have a clear idea of the different projects or actors involved in the construction of a modern European entity;
- to develop a greater sensitivity towards key concepts used to describe the current European reality, such as identity, diversity, unity, plurality, nationality, inter- or transculturalism;
- to identify the mechanisms inherent in European democracy and to analyse the interaction between Europe and the World.
- Identity and identities
- Cultural values and intercultural dialogue
- The political structure of the European union and Europe's cultural diversity
- Europe: continent of secularisation or post-secular societies?
- Europe and Portugal (and globalisation)
- Europe: Quo vadis?
Each topic has a specific reading list with academic articles that relate to the subject in question.
· Conceição, Eugénia da (2016). O Futuro da União Europeia. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
· Gil, Isabel Capeloa (ed.) (2009). Identidade Europeia - Identidades na Europa. Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
· Judt, Tony (2005). Postwar. A History of Europe since 1945. Penguin Press.
· Lourenço, Eduardo (1990). Nós e a Europa, ou as duas razões. Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda.
· Moura, Vasco Graça (2013). A Identidade Cultural Europeia. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
· Silva, António Martins da (2013). Sistema Político da União Europeia. Arquitetura, Funcionamento e Teorização. Almedina.
· Thiel, Marcus (ed.) (2016). European Identity and Culture. Narratives of Transnational Belonging. Taylor & Francis
· . Triandafyllidou, Anna; Gropas, Ruby (2015). What is Europe? (21st Century Europe). Palgrave Macmillan.
Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.
Knowledge in english (reading) is beneficial.