Trabalho de Projeto / Project Work
Cod: 52080
Department: DH
ECTS: 30
Scientific area: Subject Specific Didactics
Total working hours: 0
Total contact time: 0

Each student will develop his/her Project Work/Dissertation following an individual work plan negotiated with the supervisor so as to sustain the project’s objectives and aimed implementation contexts in an exploratory research.

The student will develop an analysis and critical interpretation of the relevant scientific bibliography so as to establish the state of the question regarding the scope and type of action aimed, therefore the syllabus will depend on the researched topics and the specific analytical perspectives and bibliography will be given within the individual tutorial sessions.

On completing the Project/Dissertation, the student will be able to:

- Describe, sustaining in an exploratory research, the project’s objectives and aimed implementation contexts;

- Present the potencial beneficiaries or target public;

- Analyse and critically interpret the scientific literature on the topic to be studied so as to establish the state of the question regarding the scope and type of activity aimed;

- Present the results showing the effective implementation of relevant knowledge;

- Write a text according to the established canonical norms of the scientific area;

- Prepare the public discussion of the research results and the presentation of its relevance to the clarification of the issues studied.

The Project Work/Dissertation will be evaluated during a public viva before a jury, according to the MA course regulations (100%).