Tipologias Textuais e Práticas de Escrita
Cod: 52044
Department: DH
Scientific area: Linguistics
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 55

The curricular unit aims to develop written communication competencies, on the basis of a solid linguistic and textual knowledge. With this aim in mind, the linguistic and discursive mechanisms inherent to several textual typologies will be identified and analysed. These rhetorical-discursive techniques will afterwards be applied in the writing practice.

The student must acquire competences to:
• Know and characterize textual prototypes and discourse genres;
• Control the mechanisms of textual building and organizing;
• Identify the resources of textual organization and its importance for the construction of meanings;
• Identify the linguistic and discursive mechanisms of each kind of text;
• Acquire techniques of communication and of written expression in Portuguese;
• Exercise production competencies in various genre / kinds of discourse, on the basis of the theoretical acquired knowledge.

I – Linguistic notions underlying textual analysis and redaction
1.1. The enunciation in language and discursive modalization
1.2. Discursive connectors and its importance in phrasal structure
1.3. Mechanisms of reference and of co-reference
1.4. Lexical opulence: processes for lexical enhancement
II – Textual notions
2.1. Notions of textual prototypes and discourse genres
2.2. The compositional heterogeneity of texts
2.3 Study of prototypical sequences
2.4. Study of linguistic and discursive mechanisms underlying various types of text:
- The fictional text
- Autobiographical and interactional text
- Journalistic texts
- Critical-argumentative text
III – Written expression
3.1. Stages of the writing process: planning, writing and revising texts
3.2. Textual coherence and cohesion
3.3. The rhetorical and discursive techniques in the writing practice
3.4. Application of theoretical knowledge in the production of texts

ADAM, Jean-Michel. 1990. Éléments de linguistique textuelle, Liège, Mardaga
ADAM, Jean-Michel. 1992. Les Textes: types et prototypes, Paris, Armand Colin.
CARVALHO, José António Brandão S.1999. O Ensino da Escrita, Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, Univ do Minho.
CHARAUDEAU, P. et MAINGUENEAU, D. 2002. Dictionnaire d’Analyse du Discours, Paris, Éditions du Seuil.
COUTINHO, M. A. 2003. Texto(s) e competência textual, Lisboa, FCG- FCT
DUARTE, I. M. 2003. “Aspectos linguísticos da organização textual”, Mateus, M.H.M. et al. Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Caminho.
FONSECA, Joaquim. 1992. Linguística e Texto/Discurso, Lisboa, ICALP .
KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, C.2005. Le discours en interaction, Paris, Armand Colin.
HALLIDAY, M.A.T & HASAN, R. 1989. Language, Context and Text , Oxford University Press .
MAINGUENEAU, D. 1996. Les termes clés de l’analyse du discours, Paris, Éditions du Seuil.
SCHIFFRIN, D. 2002. Approaches to Discourse, Oxford: Blackwell.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.