Técnicas de Comunicação em Espanhol
Cod: 51197
Department: DH
Scientific area: Foreign languages
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit aims to develop communicative competence in Spanish within a professional context and across various communicative formats (such as email, telephone, written/audio messages, synchronous face-to-face conversations, and videoconferences), focusing on the following skills:

  • Lexical: acquisition of set phrases, collocations, and specific lexicon relevant to business Spanish.
  • Grammatical: enhancement of grammatical skills for the autonomous learning of both formal and informal structures as included at level A2 of the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes.
  • Cultural: acquisition and acknowledgement of values, traditions, customs (both explicit and implicit), and pragmatic elements within formal and/or informal settings, with an awareness of Spanish cultural diversity to foster appropriate development in professional and social contexts.
  • Intercultural: development of intercultural competencies that facilitate awareness and interpretation of messages from a perspective of mutual understanding.
  • Interlinguistic: enhancement of comparative skills between Spanish and Portuguese to foster student autonomy in their learning process.

Upon completing this course unit, students will be able to communicate effectively in Spanish within a work context, handling various communicative situations and formal language levels. Students should have prior formal education in Spanish at the A1 level, as per the CEFR, to develop communicative competencies at the A2 level.

  • Spanish
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Labour.

In this UC will be developed mainly the following skills.

  • Communicative competence
  • Interpersonal competence
  • Intercultural Competence
  • Cultural Competence

  • Common structures and strategies for the correct writing and interpretation of formal and informal emails, including service requests, business project descriptions and evaluations, report writing, and applications for jobs, scholarships, or internships.
  • Common structures and strategies for effective communication in job interviews.
  • Common structures and strategies for scheduling and communicating in face-to-face or online meetings.
  • Common structures and strategies for communication via written and audio messages.
  • Management of discussions with attenuating elements suited to Spanish culture.
  • Structures and elements of cohesion and discursive markers, with a special focus on false cognates between Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Awareness and activation of socio-cultural and legal elements crucial in commercial exchanges.
  • Lexical, grammatical, and cultural elements relevant to each of the structures used at level A2 of the language according to the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes.


Main bibliography:

  •  Resources authored by the faculty available on the platform.

Secondary Bibliography:

  •       González M., Martín F., et al. (2015). Socios 1. Course de español orientado al mundo del trabajo., Barcelona: Difusión.



The mandatory evaluation regime is continuous evaluation, consisting of three e-folios (written assignments in digital format), throughout the academic semester, and a final moment of Global e-folio evaluation (e-folio G), to take place at the end of the semester, with a weight of, respectively, 40% (sum of the three e-folios) and 60% in the final classification.

This course unit is part of the GOPA Project (Online Gamification: An Alternative Pedagogy), which promotes an active methodology in the teaching and learning process.