Cod: 41116
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Sociology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The course Sociology of Migrations aims to provide students with a broad knowledge of current migration issues with a major focus on Portugal. In the first part of the course, we begin by tracing present-day main trends of international migration. We proceed with the analysis of key theoretical and conceptual paradigms which have shaped the sociological approaches on migrations. In the second part, the emphasis is on exploring the migration phenomena in the Portuguese context, addressing issues of emigration and immigration. Consequently, we will focus on three components: 1. Emigration phenomena in Portugal and its new developments in the XXI century; 2. Immigration its developments and social, cultural and economic processes of integration; 3. Migration policies (emigration/immigration) and civic and political participation of migrants in the current context of major social changes undergoing in the Portuguese society. The study of these multiple dimensions of analysis on migrations also aims to foster students’ critical reflection skills on the impact of migrations in reshaping today’s world with special focus on the Portuguese society.

Migratory Policies
Migrants civic and political participation

• Understand current migration phenomena from a sociological perspective.
•Characterize  the  multiple dimensions (demographic, social, economic and political of migrations in Portugal (emigration/immigration)
• Understand  present-day migration policies on emigration/immigration
• Identify main trends on civic and political participation of migrants in Portugal and in the Diaspora
• Reflect critically on contemporary migration phenomena and multiculturality in present-day societies, with a special focus on Portugal.

 I. International Migrations . Key Trends
II. Migrations. Theoretical perspectives and concepts.
III. Emigration and Immigration Phenomena in Portugal.  Demographic, social and economic dimensions.
IV. Migration Policies – Emigration/Immigration
V. Migrants’ civic and political participation

Horta, Ana Paula Beja (2013), “A Imigração em Portugal. Um contributo para o debate sobre políticas e práticas de integração”, Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Pedro Góis, José Carlos Marques e João Peixoto (orgs.) Migrações na Europa e em Portugal. Ensaios de homenagem a Maria Ioannis Baganha, Coimbra: Edições Almedina, pp. 227-250 – ISBN: 9789724051741.
Horta, Ana Paula Beja (org.) (2010), Número Temático da Revista Migrações, nº 6, Associativismo Imigrante, ACIDI/ Observatório da Imigração - ISSN: 1646-8104.
Disponível em:

Rocha-Trindade, Maria Beatriz (coord.) (1995), Sociologia das Migrações. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN: 531/95.

Relatório Estatístico Anual (2016), Catarina Reis Oliveira (org.) e Natália Gomes. ACM/Observatório das Migrações. Disponível:

Monitorizar a Integração dos Imigrantes em Portugal. Relatório Estatístico. 2014. Catarina Reis Oliveira (org.) e Natália Gomes. ACM/Observatório das Migrações. Disponível em:
Emigração Portuguesa. Relatório Estatístico. 2015. Observatório da Emigração. Disponível em:

Complementary readings and web resources available online in the virtual classroom.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection as well as digital literacy to work at Moodle platform. English language knowledge is required.