Relações Públicas
Cod: 31105
Department: DH
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit introduces general notions of Public Relations: area, objectives and audiences, different communication forms and tools.

Public Relations

•Recognizing specific approaches to Public Relations within different contexts of institutional, social, and cultural manifestations;
•Qualifying for a social intervention in respect and defence of the image of the company;
•Developing activities of environmental sponsorship in benefit of the target audience

1.Corporate public relations;
2.The key-factors of persuasion of the organizational and institutional public opinion;
3.Strategic development of public relations
4.The public relations with the external public;
5.The professionals of RP and code of ethics
• Patronage, sponsorship and sponsoring;
• Environmental Public Relations.
5. The involvement of public relations with the external public to create a good image.

CABRERO, José Daniel Barquero, CABRERO, Mario Barquero, O Livro de Ouro das Relações Públicas, Porto, Porto Editora, 2001.

BLACK, Caroline, Guia Prático do Profissional de Relações Públicas, Mem Martins, Pub. Europa-América, 2006.).


The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.