Intercultural Social Psychology
Cod: 42009
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 32

The issues of cultural diversity, migration, the cultural contacts and intercultural communication, have been taken nowadays among the most important areas faced by psychology, most particularly, they have been also significant interest of the Intercultural Social Psychology.
The development of knowledge in the context of the relations and intercultural competences emerges as an ethical, civic, scientific and professional requirement to deal with the complexity, population mobility and cultural diversity of the contemporary world affecting the different sectors of society.
This curricular unit has the main purpose to enlarge understanding and skills to issues related to culture and social behavior.  It also aims at developing the unity and diversity of human behavior, the importance of multi/interculturalism and diversity management and intercultural relations in current society; promote knowledge of key concepts at the level of Intercultural Social Psychology; provide the needed knowledge to identify and understand the factors that may hinder or facilitate the adaptive processes and the relationships between individuals and groups from different cultures; provide knowledge that foster intercultural communication and the development of intercultural skills applicable in different contexts, mainly at the educational, labor, legal, social, community, religious, political or health environment.

Cultural diversity
Intercultural Relations and Migrations
Cultural e Social Behavior
Intercultural Communication

- Develop the knowledge and in-depth theoretical and practical competencies for the analysis and understanding of different individual and collective processes related to intercultural diversity and intercultural relations, as well as, the management and negotiation of identities, conflict and intercultural communication.
- Apply these competencies and knowledge with a view to implementing contexts, practices and policies promoting communication and favorable contacts between individuals and cultures, a resolution of intercultural and personal problems, psychosocial and communication difficulties that individuals and groups are in contact with other cultures.
- Promoting the development of competencies for further research and also encourage more competent and innovative intervention at the area of intercultural relations and migration.
- Promoting reflections on the numerous challenges faced by professionals from different areas and citizens, allowing them to live and communicate in a society characterized by increasing multiculturalism, conflict, heterogeneity and complexity.

The syllabus has been divided into three main thematic areas:

- Intercultural Social Psychology
- Culture, Social Behavior and Identity
- Interculturality and Migrations: Individual Dynamics,  Psychosocial and Intercultural Processes
- Intercultural Communication
- Intercultural Competence


Ladmiral, J., Lipiansky, E. (1989). La communication Interculturelle. Paris, A. Colin.
Neto, F. (2002). Psicologia Intercultural. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Ramos, N. (2001). Comunicação, Cultura e Interculturalidade: Para uma Comunicação Intercultural. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. (35,2): 155-178.
Ramos, N. (2008) (org.) Saúde, Migração e Interculturalidade. João Pessoa: EDUFPB
Ramos, N. (2008). A diversidade cultural na cidade: Problemas e Desafios. L. Rubim & N. Miranda (org). Transversalidades da Cultura.Salvador: EDUFBA, pp.133-179.
Ramos, N. (2009) Saúde, Migração e Direitos Humanos. Mudanças – Psicologia da Saúde. S. Paulo, 17 (1), Jan-Jun, 2009, 1-11

Ramos, N. (2009). Diversidade Cultural, Educação e Comunicação Intercultural. Políticas e Estratégias de Promoção do Diálogo Intercultural. Revista Educação em Questão, v. 34, n. 20, CCSA, Natal, UFRN: 9- 32.
Ramos, N. (2010). “Interculturalidade e Alteridade: dinâmicas, contextos e políticas”. In Perspectivas em informação visual : cultura, percepção e representação. L.Toutain, J. Serafim, Y. Geffroy (org.). Salvador: EDUFBA, pp. 42-56.
Ramos, N. (2012). Comunicação em Saúde e Interculturalidade – Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e Práticas. RECIIS – Revista Eletrónica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, (6), 4.

Ramos, M. C. P (2013). Globalização e multiculturalismo. Revista Inter-Legere, UFRN, 13:75-101. 
Ramos, N. (2013). Interculturalidade(s) e Mobilidade(s) no espaço europeu: viver e comunicar entre culturas. The Overarching Issues of the European Space. Porto: Faculdade Letras Universidade do Porto: 343-360.


E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Reading competence in English.