Scientific area: Library and Information Sciences
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 25
This course unit touches upon the technical issues of the document chain, namely the aspects related to the organization and treatment of documentation and information recovery, as applied to the context of the school library. It also emphasizes the importance of these areas in the support and encouragement of the effective use of documentation and the impact of technology in this field.
Students are expected to become familiar with the treatment of documentation and library techniques, especially on the level of selection, management and diffusion of documentation, of all available kinds in digital format. It is also intended that students will be able to select the most adequate organizational solutions for a given school.
Documentation languages. The various types of documents, their nature and format. Identification of the document chain. The organization and representation of information.
BLANC-MONTMAYEUR, Martine - Lista de cabeçalhos de assunto para bibliotecas / Martine Blanc-Montmayeur, Françoise Danset ; trad. e adapt. Joaquim Portilheiro e Teresa Álvares Pires. - Lisboa : Caminho, imp. 1999. GUSMÃO, Armando Nobre de, CAMPOS, Fernanda Maria Guedes de e SOTTOMAYOR, José Carlos Garcia (coord.). Regras Portuguesas de Catalogação - I: Cabeçalhos, Descrição de Monografias, Descrição de Publicações em Série 3.ª reimp., Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2000. LANGRIDGE, Derek – Classificação: abordagem para estudantes de biblioteconomia / Derek Langridge, trad. Rosali P. Fernadez. – Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Intersciencia, 1997. SLYPE, George Van - Los lenguajes de indización : concepción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documentales / George Van Slype ; trad. de Pedro Hipola e Felix de Moya. - Madrid : Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1991.
Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and
final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.