Literatura Portuguesa Medieval
Cod: 53004
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Portuguese Literature
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

 The doctoral student is accompanied in his/her research, both in terms of primary and secondary sources, and of the respective fortune in post-medieval times.

The seminar ends with the elaboration and discussion of a work that illustrates the knowledge and skills acquired, desirably a publishable study.

Medieval Portuguese Literatures; Sources; in-depth research; Studies on the Imaginary 

It is expected that, by the end of the Seminar, the students have acquired:

- in-depth notions, and developed reflection on issues related to Medieval Literary Studies, in line with the Studies on the Imaginary;

- ability to develop research on medieval works and authors in libraries and specialized websites;

- ability to propose well-supported analysis hypotheses and, in this sequence, to develop original research work;

- capacity to propose well-supported analysis hypothesis and, following, to develop original research work.

Theme I – Studies on the Imaginary

Theme II – Medieval Texts: research work on sources

Theme III – The Post-Medieval Middle Ages

Theme IV – Final research work 

Bloch, R. Howard, Étymologie et généalogie, Paris: Seuil, 1989.

Carruthers, Mary, The Book of Memory: a Study of Memory in Medieval Culture, Cambridge: CUP, 2008.

Carruthers, Mary, Rhetoric Beyond Words: Delight and Persuasion in the Arts of the Middle Ages, Cambridge: CUP, 2010.

Dubois, Claude-Gilbert, Mythologies de l'Occident: les bases religieuses de la culture occidentale, Paris: Ellipses, 2007.

Dubois, Claude-Gilbert, Récits et mythes de fondation dans l'imaginaire culturel occidental, Bordeaux: PUB, 2009.


The seminar is taught in e-learning, on the Universidade Aberta platform, and synchronous meetings can be scheduled via zoom. 

The assessment includes the carrying out of works, as well as the regular and relevant participation in the various forums, throughout the semester.

The continuous assessment is complemented by the completion of a final work in which the student must demonstrate the result of the learning process carried out during the semester, both in terms of content, and in theoretical and methodological terms.

Doctoral students are expected to be able to read bibliography, not only in Portuguese, but also in English and/or French and/or Spanish.