Third Sector Management
Cod: 61054
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This curricular unit focus on the study of social and economic characteristics of third sector organizations, of lines of intervention directed to the socially excluded, and also the management drives related to socioeconomic changes and articulation with public policies.

Third sector
Social Intervention
Social policies

•    Analysis of the third sector in Portugal on a historical perspective
•    Analysis of socioeconomic changing context and respective challenges for social policies
•    Analysis of social intervention paradigms and practices
•    Analysis of third sector management in terms of top decisions in articulation with ‘field’ interventions

•    Third sector concept
•    History of third sector in Portugal
•    Paradigms and practices of social intervention
•    Third sector management in a socioeconomic changing context and in articulation with social policies
•    Efficiency and effectiveness of third sector organization

Mandatory Reading
• Garrido, A. et al. (2019) Economia Social Olhares Cruzados, Almedina, Coimbra.
Mandatory Reading (Moodle)
• Carrilho, T. (2008) ‘Processos de parceria e resultados em projectos locais de promoção do emprego’, Economia Global e Gestão, nº 3, volume XIII, 137-155
• Carrilho, T. (2008) ‘Conceito de parceria: três projectos locais de promoção do emprego’, Análise Social, volume XLIII (1º), 81-107
• Soares, C. et al (2012) ‘A economia social e a sua sustentabilidade como fator de inclusão social’
• Quintão, C. (2011) ‘O terceiro setor e a sua renovação em Portugal’, WP, 2ª S., nº 2.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).