Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
Cod: 21062
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Computer Engineering
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

IT systems are complex systems that require the creation of teams to design, build and maintain them (Introduction). The planning of all the work involved is a demanding task and a determining factor in the success or failure of the project. There are known models and methods of project management to assist the project manager's task, both in planning and in execution. Furthermore, it is important to master degrees of uncertainty and know how to make an effective implementation.

1. Modeling and project planning
2. Project Monitoring
Risk analysis

It is intended that, at the end of this Course, the student has acquired the following competencies:
- Understand the basic concepts used in project management
- Apply the main models of project management
- Consider uncertainty in the project
- Manage the development of an IT project

1. Introduction
Project Management Software; Financial Evaluation; Definition of EDT; Decomposed Activity; Generation of EDT.
 2. Block A - Modeling
Map of Gantt; (Precedence network Activities in the arches (AoA); Activities in the nodes (AoN)); (Renewable Resources; Non-renewable; Cost); Multiple modes; Generalized Precedence; CPM (Classic, swap time / cost; with generalized precedence); RCPSP (Series; Parallel); MRCPSP; Software: Microsoft Project & RiskNet.
3. Block B - Uncertainty
PERT (CPM; stochastic calendars: ASAP; Buffers; ESS; Alfa); Stochastic RCPSP; Software: Microsoft Project & RiskNet. Critical chain management (Introduction; Problems of previous methods; Critical chain method; Problems of the method; CC method in RiskNet)
4. Block C - Execution
Execution (information on the project; activity statement; progress report); Control of Changes; Closure of the project; Human Resources

The methodology used by the course comprises the study and individual reflection (A), sharing of the study with colleagues, as well as questions posted in the forums (B) and (C) assigned activities. The evaluation assumes the continuous assessment scheme through e-folios. Students who cannot follow this evaluation mode can opt for a final examination.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).