Cod: 52023
Department: DH
Scientific area: Humanities
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 44

The course unit Comparative Studies aims at deepening the theoretical and methodological framework of the Literary Studies (Comparative Literature, Cultural Imagology). It intends to foster an inter- and transdisciplinary vision necessary today for studying the literary and artistic phenomenon and its inter-semiotic crossings; simultaneously, it promotes a broadly humanistic reflection, necessarily comparative, able to leverage the reading tools suitable for understanding the contemporary global culture in its growing complexity.

1. Comparative Literature
2. Understanding the other
3. Transdisciplinarity
3. Imaginary / Cultural Imagology

Thus, students are expected to be able to:
• Acquire a broad vision on the potentialities of ‘comparativism’;
• Carry out a reflection or a research in a collaborative way;
• Search and formulate hypotheses for the development of an original work.

1. The comparative ‘territory’: concepts and practices
2. A growing territory: Translation Studies, Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Postcolonial Studies
3. Literature and imaginary: cultural imagology
4. Problematization/analysis of a crossing theme

BERNHEIMER, Charles (ed), Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism. Baltimore/London: John Hopkins University, 1995
BOURDIEU, Pierre, Las reglas del arte: genesys y estructura del campo literário. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995 (Les Règles de l´art. Paris: Seuil, 1992.
BRUNEL, Pierre; CHEVREL, Yves (org), Compêndio de Literatura Comparada, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004.
BUESCU, Helena, Grande angular, comparatismo e práticas de comparação, Lisboa, FCT/FCG, 2001
GUILLÉN, Cláudio, Entre lo uno y lo diverso – Introducción a la Literatura Comparada, Barcelona, Crítica, 1985
MACHADO, AM; PAGEAUX, DH, Da Literatura Comparada à Teoria da Literatura, Lisboa, Presença, 2001
MINER, Earl, Comparative Poetics: An Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990
STEINER, George, Paixão intacta, Lisboa, Relógio d´Água, 2003
VILLANUEVA, Darío, El Polen de Ideas. Teoria, Crítica, Historia y Literatura Comparada, Barcelona, PPU, 1991

E-Learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.