Cod: 51186
Department: DH
Scientific area: Language
Total working hours: 150
Total contact time: 45

The Spanish V module is intended for students who wish to strengthen their ability to analyze explanatory texts, translation practice and develop advanced capabilities for comparing Spanish and Portuguese grammar systems.
It is intended to develop the communication skills of students (understand and produce well-structures and complex written and oral texts) as well as language skills (analyzing and comparing linguistic topics of textual models, connectors and cohesion mechanisms). Corresponds to the level B2 (B.2.2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

For Portuguese speakers

Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both specific and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your area of expertise. Can interact with a degree of spontaneity and ease with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. It is able to express himself clearly on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

•Language variety: morfosintaxis and phraseology of colloquial Spanish; common lexicon in Spanish from Spain and Latinamerica
•Text analysis: text typology; coherence and cohesion; discourse conjunctions and specch markers.
•Transcription, quot, paraphrase and summary: direct and indirect speech; quotes covert; temporal agreement deixis; impersonality.
•Grammar: modal and temporal agreement; contrastive syntax between Spanish / Portuguese (overhaul).
•Translation: text comprehension levels; text evaluation; suitability and equivalence of translation (poetry, advertising and technical texts).
•Sociolinguistics: differences in language registers; phraseology and expressions of popular wisdom; social relations speech markers
•Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis: courtesy and modality (intensification and attenuation); people's speech; the implicit and explicit information; text properties.

•Chamorro Guerrero M.D; Lozano Lóipez G; Martínez Gila P; Muñoz Álvarez B; Rosales Varo F; Ruiz Campillo JP; Ruiz Fajardo G (2011) ABANICO, Barcelona, Difusión (Units 1-6, including last one).
•Mendoza E, (1991) Sin noticias de Gurb, libro de lectura.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%).