Cod: 41018
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Demography
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Course description: 
With this course is intended to frame the role of demography in the social sciences, using the main instruments for collecting and processing data on the population, analyze and understand the demographic situation in Portugal and worldwide.
The study of Demography is part of a broader context - the social sciences - considered an autonomous science, different from sociology or economics and requires a clarification of key concepts. However, we know that we can’t draw boundaries between the various social sciences. Demography appears as a scientific answer to a set of questions related to the description of the human population. Furthermore, demography study aspects related to the spatial planning of the population, family structures changes, the consequences of demographic aging on social security systems, the composition of the workforce and the needs and location of social facilities.
Like any social phenomenon, the study of demography is of great complexity, associated with multiple social phenomena ranging from health to politics, culture, economic aspects or education. Demography as a science whose object of study is the human population, takes therefore a key role in the social sciences.

Natality, fertility

• Analyze demographic structures
• Understand the main demographic phenomena
• Describe the recent demographic changes in the population
• Apply analytical techniques of demographic variables
• Identify the effects of demographic dynamics in the structure of contemporary societies.

1. An introduction to demography
2. Demographic theories
3. The sources of demographic information and data quality tests
4. Birth, fertility, nupciality and divorce
5. Mortality
6. Migration
7. Population dynamics by sex and ages
8. Change of the world population over time
9. Population distribution and population policies

BÄCKSTRÖM, Bárbara, DE SOUSA Fátima, DIAS, Helena, BAPTISTA, Isabel (2023) Demografia, Lisboa. Universidade Aberta 

Available in the virtual class

Resources will be available in the virtual class




Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

O aluno deverá fazer os exercícios práticos resolvidos do livro adoptado e os testes formativos.
Deve entrar na unidade curricular em