User Centred Design
Cod: 22156
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Computer Engineering
Total working hours: 210
Total contact time: 40

This UC´s objective is to present the principles, methodologies and techniques of the User Centered Design of interactive systems. It will address the relevance of knowledge acquisition of users, user profiles and user needs and the need to involve users in project development in order to ensure successful interactive systems. Also addressed: ways and means of user involvement from early design phases, through requirements setting and in testing and validation.

Identify and apply user-centered design of interactive systems methodologies and techniques.
User profiles and needs identification.
Evaluation of interactive systems through test and validation user centered techniques:
User involvement and participation techniques in the design, development and operation of interactive systems.
Conduct and control user centered projects.

Principles and methodologies of User Centered Design of interactive systems.
Users and user needs identification and specification methodologies and techniques.
Methodologies and techniques for user involvement in the development and realization of interactive systems.
Interactive systems evaluation methodologies and techniques in the different phases of projects.
Management of interactive systems development projects with complete user involvement.

Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, (2011), “Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction”, 3rd edition, Wiley. ISBN-13: 978-0470665763


Student evaluation will occur in 5 steps, with each step at the end of each one of the learning objectives through reports on students’ analysis of case studies. Final marks to be awarded as 5 X 15% (for each case study report) plus 40% from a final project. Each student, based on his/her professional previous experience, may suggest a final project theme. The evaluation of the final project will happen in person.