Avaliação e Materiais de Aprendizagem / Assessment and Learning Materials
Cod: 52077
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Subject Specific Didactics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The seminar aims to familiarise practising teachers with the various means, modes and tools available to assess the learning progress/proficiency of their students, and lead them to understand the theory necessary to support their choices when selecting methods, designing their own assessment instruments or adopting an LoA approach. As the CEFR underlies much of what is happening in the ELT world today, teachers need to be aware of its reach and its limitations. New research projects like English Profile are also important as the findings might well impact on syllabus design and hence on assessment in the future. The third strand of the syllabus, focusing on materials, is also practical in nature but underpinned by theory. Teachers have to be able to critically evaluate ELT materials and make principled decisions about choices as well as be able to produce materials for their own use or context.

By the end of the seminar the student should:

a) understand and be able to discuss and defend the theoretical principles underlying assessment;

b) know how to develop and use a variety of assessment models and tools;

c) understand the concepts underlying learning-oriented assessment (LoA); 

d) be able to implement a learning-oriented approach to assessment;

e) have become familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the 'English Profile' project and the European Language Portfolio;

f)  have developed the ability to analyse basic features of course books (including advantages and disadvantages;

g) have developed the ability to analyse and discuss the selection, adaptation and rejection of published ELT course books) have developed the ability to produce supplementary materials with specific characteristics (level, age group, purpose, etc.).

Assessment and Evaluation:

- Ethical issues; assessment theory

- Assessment models, tools and techniques

- Writing and evaluating classroom tests

- Assessing writing and speaking

- Learner self-assessment & autonomy; monitoring progress

- Learning-oriented assessment - principles & practice

- The Common European Framework of Reference, English Profile, and the European Language Portfolio

Teaching and learning materials: 

- Analysis of course books from the point of view of language content (presentation/practice and selection/grading of new language), cultural content (appropriacy/inclusivity), skills development and other associated factors (layout, design, use of colour).

- Approaches to adapting published teaching materials for different teaching contexts (including ESP)

- Production of teaching materials for grammar practice, vocabulary development, skills work and cultural awareness


Copland, F., & Mann, S. (2012). The coursebook and beyond.  Abax ELT Publishers Council of Europe (2018). Collated representative samples of descriptors of language competences developed for young learners. https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference-languages/bank-of-supplementary-descriptors

Council of Europe. (2020). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Companion volume. https://www.coe.int/en/web/education/-/common-european-framework-of-reference-for-languages-learning-teaching-assessment-companion-volume

Cushing-Weigle, S. (2002). Assessing writing. Cambridge University Press. 

Harwood, N. (2014). (ed.) English language teaching textbooks: Content, consumption, production. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers.  Cambridge University Press

Little, D. (2009). The European Language Portfolio: Where pedagogy and assessment meet. Council of Europe Language Policy Division. http://www.coe.int/T/DG4/Portfolio/documents/

Jang, E. (2014). Focus on assessment. Oxford University Press.

Prosic-Santovac, D., & Rixon, S. (Eds.). (2019). Integrating assessment into early language learning and teaching. Multilingual Matters.

Tomlinson, B. (2018).  The Complete Guide to the Theory and Practice of Materials Development for Language Learning. Wiley Blackwell.

The teaching-learning process developed in this seminar takes place in a virtual environment (e-learning using a Moodle platform) and will involve three separate teaching modules: 1) Principles of assessment and testing; 2) Learning-oriented assessment and the CEFR; and 3) Learning and teaching materials. The learning methods used combine individual study with collaborative work. Students are required to carry out individual reading and research work and to develop a critical reflection on course materials. Collaborative work is conducted in discussion forums in which students are expected to participate by presenting their reflections and conclusions, debating specific questions or topics, and presenting and discussing their own coursework and that of their course colleagues. Assessment is continuous, and based on the quality and pertinence of forum discussions and on the works (individual and group) presented for discussion and evaluation.

Work submitted during the semestre: 60%;

Final written work: 40%.

Língua de ensino: Inglês