Visão por Computador (MEIW)
Cod: 22305
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Computer Engineering
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 30

The Computer Vision CU has as training purpose to raise the student’s awareness to the importance of using computer vision techniques in several domains.

At the end of the training process in this curricular unit, students should be able to:
1. Recognize the importance of using computer vision techniques in various fields;
2. Identify the main computer vision techniques;
3. Propose solutions based on computer vision for problems of various domains.

1. Introduction to Computer Vision
2. Segmentation
3. Features
4. Movement
5. Detection and Tracking
6. 3D Models

1. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski, Springer, 2010.
2. Feature Extraction and Image Processing for Computer Vision, 4th edition, Mark Nixon, Alberto Aguado, 2020.

The assessment of this curricular unit encompasses a continuous dimension, taking into account the quality of the questions and problems that the student poses to the teacher and the class; online discussion, in a virtual class; the (self) criticism elaborated on the results of the works (40%); and also the individual development of practical work (60%). Students who do not succeed in the continuous assessment will be able to carry out the assessment at the time of exams, which will consist of improving the individual practical work submitted during the semester.
The detailed assessment is defined in the Learning Agreement of the curricular unit.