Trabalhos de Campo II
Cod: 21119
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 78

The fulfillment of these requirements is essential to reduce the number face to face groups and to make the academic achievement process more efficient.
With these measures, the aim is for students to focus more objectively on completing the course, optimizing their performance and results.

1. Conditions for Enrollment in the TC II Course:

  • Only students who are in a position to complete the course during the respective academic year will be allowed to enroll in the TC II course. This means having no more than 5 to 8 curricular units to complete.

2. Special Cases:

  • Particular attention will be given to the situation of students who enrolled in the course under LCA during the second semester, ensuring that their circumstances are reviewed fairly and appropriately.



  1. Field activities
  2. Environmental technologies
  3. New rural realities
  4. Environmental management tools

• Developing group work abilities.
• Working in multidisciplinary teams as far as Environmental Sciences are concerned.
• Developing a critical and self-critical attitude.
• Communicating effectively with individuals, groups, communities and incorporating populations.
• Developing self-training competences and objectivity.

This course, consisting of 3 blocks as discriminated below:
 I - Block Preparation: system online, virtual classroom environment, valuing the forms of asynchronous communication. The methodology adopted follows the Pedagogical Model in force at UAB, for the courses of the 1st cycle. The main objective is to provide the theoretical knowledge required to further implement some of the practical activities that are held face to face (block II).
 II - Block face to face: during one week (5 days). Each of the activities planned will be guided by practical guide, which should include objectives, proposed activities and indication of support materials, including multimedia resources. This module takes place in a region of Portugal, selected annually for this purpose. They include activities such as: implementation of biological /geographical / geological / ecological pathways; visiting units of production of organic certification; contact with local authorities and local associations; visits to rural/ecological tourism units; visit organizations with environmental certification (eg ISO 14001 or EMAS); visits to a municipal system of waste management, a visit to wastewater Treatment plan, among others.
 III – Block post-field activities, due on-line, in virtual classroom environment, valuing the forms of asynchronous communication. In this block, students will be guided by the tutor to prepare a project work to be done from a number of subjects submitted annually by Bachelor teacher members. Each student will be tutored by a teacher.

Study materials - see course unit webpage at the e-learning platform.


Continuous Assessment