Tópicos Avançados de Gestão de Produção
Cod: 62074
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 40

The unit aims to show the strategic challenges in Operations Management, studying new models both in production management and operations management. A broad business vision is presented with aggregate productions plans, and the issues of capacity and location choices are also studies.

Production Management
Operations Management
Aggregate Production Plans
Capacity and Location choices

By the end of the unit the student must be able to:
• Know the new strategic challenges in operations management
• Compare strategic models for management operations
• Develop aggregate productions plans
• Relate capacity planning and location

1. Operational Strategy and Competitiveness
2. Products and Processes: Industry vs Services
3. Operations Planning and Materials Management
4. Aggregate Production and synchronized production
5. Supply chain management and configuration facilities

• Operations and Process Management, Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. And R. Johnston, Pearson (2012) ISBN-13: 9780273751878
• Operations Management, Paton, S., Clegg, B., Juliana, H. and A. Pilkington, McGraw-Hill (2011) ISBN-13: 978-0077126179
• Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases, Schroeder, R., Goldstein, S. and M. Rungtusanatham (2010) ISBN-13: 978-0073403380


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.