Temas de Arqueologia
Cod: 32018
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Archaeology
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 25

Archaeology in Portugal today: professionalization of archeology, its main activity areas and competence of the various entities involved. Governing Law. Rescue Archaeology: present and future.

Rescue Archaeology
Urban Archaeology
Archaeology and Regional Planning
Institutions and Lesgilation

Mastering the regulatory mechanisms of archaeological activity in Portugal, main stakeholders and players; acting vectors and future development of archaeological activity.

This curricular unit approaches 5  topics:
The following  topics will be addressed in the program:
 - The Archeology in Portugal in the present: the professionalization of the practice of the archeology in the eighties, official authorities and applicable legislation.
 - Archeology in enterprises in Portugal. Brief historical summary and future perspectives.
- Urban Archeology in the frame of renovation and rehabilitation of historical centres.
 - Archeology in the Territorial Management Plans
- Archeology and large public works.


ALARCÃO, J.; BARROCA, M.; CARDOSO, J. L.; VILAÇA, R., coord. (2012) – Dicionário de Arqueologia Portuguesa. Porto: Figueirinhas.
BUGALHÃO, J., ed. (2004) – Arqueologia na rede de transporte de gás: 10 anos de investigação. Lisboa: Instituto Português de Arqueologia (Trabalhos de Arqueologia,  39).
CARDOSO, J. L. (2007) – Pré-História de Portugal. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Dossiês temáticos inseridos na revista  Al-Madan (publicaçãodo Centro de Arqueologia de Almada):
 - Arqueologia do Alqueva. Al-Madan. Almada. Série II, 11 (Dezembro de 2002);
 - Património e Ordenamento do Teritório. Al-Madan. Almada. Série II, 12 (Dezembro 2003);
 - Grandes projectos da Arqueologia portuguesa. Al-Madan. Almada. Série II, 16 (Dezembro 2008).


Blended learning

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

The activities will be realized mainly online in virtual class by assinchronic  communication. 
Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet broadband connection and e-mail account.
It is important to say that this CU includes 4 presence sessions so it is also evaluated the individual performance of the student on those, including being there, the interest in listening and discussing subjects presented, according to the criteria established in the Learning Contract of the CU.