Temas da Cultura Clássica II
Cod: 51144
Department: DH
Scientific area: Culture
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The curricular unit is centred on the study of the ancient Greco-Roman culture, one of the most relevant basis of Western culture, literature and artistic imaginary.
Starting with some concepts of Antiquity (mimesis, aemulatio, contaminatio, among others), the cultural relation between Greece and Rome is then approached, taking into account:
– the transformations in the literary genres;
– the re-writing of Greek forms and themes by Roman authors (Epic and Lyric poetry)
– the artistic-cultural productions in the following eras.
The literary corpus is constituted by texts of Homer, Ovid, Vergil, Propertius, Horace, Luís de Camões, Eça de Queirós and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. The iconographic corpus includes works by Botticelli, Tiziano, Ingres and Klee.

1.Classical Antiquity

2. Epic poetry

3. Lyric poetry

4. Greco-Roman legacy (literature; plastic arts)

The curricular unit aims to develop the following competences:
– the capacity to understand the relations between the Trojan war and the foundation of Rome;
– the capacity to understand the various contextualisations;
– the capacity to characterise models: structure of poems and heroes;
– the capacity to interpret, analyse and relate the texts;
– the capacity to identify the explicit or implicit influences of the works on later artistic-cultural productions;
– the capacity to reflect, synthesise, argue and write correctly.


1. Contextualization

2. The influence of Greece on Rome; the classical tradition projected on the Western world

3. Literary creation and aesthetic bases: mimesis/imitatio; aemulatio; contaminatio



1. Epic poetry in ancient Greece: Odyssey, by Homer

2. Epic poetry in Rome: Aeneid, by Vergil



1. Lyric poetry: from archaic Greece to classical Rome; the classical legacy in the Western world

2. Themes of Greek poetry and the Roman transformation – Amores, by Ovid; Elegies, by Propertius; Odes, by Horace.



1. The classical model of Epic poetry in the Renaissance: Os Lusíadas, by Luís de Camões

2. The Western lyric poetry: selected poems of Luís de Camões and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

3. Odyssey revisited: “A Perfeição”, by Eça de Queirós

4. The Western visual arts, from the Renaissance to contemporaneity (examples by Botticelli, Tiziano, Ingres and Klee)

Primary Bibliography:

Camões, Luís de. Os Lusíadas. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional–Casa da Moeda, 2005. [excertos]


Homero. Odisseia. Intr. e Trad. Frederico Lourenço. Lisboa: Cotovia, 2003. [excertos]


Horácio. Odes. Trad. Pedro B. Falcão. Lisboa: Cotovia, 2008. [excertos]


Vergílio. Eneida. Trad. Luís M.G. Cerqueira et al. Lisboa: Bertrand, 2003. [excertos]


Ovídio. Amores. Trad. Carlos Ascenso André. Lisboa: Cotovia, 2006. [excertos]


Propércio. Elegias. Trad. Aires A. Nascimento et al. Lisboa e Assis: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Accademia Properziana del Subasio, 2002. [excertos]


Queirós, Eça de. “A Perfeição”. Contos I. Coord. Carlos Reis. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional–Cada da Moeda, 2009. 345-362.


Bibliography of contextualisation/further reading:

Aristóteles. Poética. Trad. e Introd. Eudoro de Sousa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional–Casa da Moeda, 2000.


Centeno, Rui Manuel Sobral, coord. Civilizações Clássicas II: Roma. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2002.


Citroni, Mario, et al. Literatura de Roma Antiga. Trad. Margarida Miranda e Isaías Hipólito. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006.


Ferreira, José Ribeiro. Civilizações Clássicas I: Grécia. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. 1996.



Grimal, Pierre. Civilização Romana. Trad. Isabel Saint Aubyn. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2001.


---. Dicionário da Mitologia Grega e Romana. Trad. e Coord. Victor Jabouille. Lisboa: Difel, 1999.


Horácio. Arte Poética. Trad. Raul M. Rosado Fernandes. Lisboa: Inquérito. 1992.


Lesky, Albin. História da Literatura Grega. Trad. Manuel Losa. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995.


Pereira, Maria Helena da Rocha. Hélade: Antologia de Cultura Grega. Lisboa: Guimarães Editores, 2009.




Reference style guide:

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2009. [disponível online]


Assessment is preferentially the continuous evaluation. The students who cannot work according to this kind of assessment may choose to write a Final Exam at the end of the semester.


Continuous evaluation is constituted by the production of 2 works during the semester, named e-folios (40%), submitted in the virtual classroom, and by the production of a final work named Global e-Folio (60%), submitted in the Platform WISEflow.


The Final Exam is a single written test at the end of the semester, submitted in the Platform WISEflow.

The excerpts of the literary works and the iconographic works will be available in the virtual classroom