Temas Avançados em Educação a Distância e eLearning II
Cod: 13031
Department: DEED
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 30


The DEEL II Advanced Topics seminar aims to develop the theoretical and conceptual tools necessary to approach the specialised field of study of the doctorate in DEEL. The contents are organised in thematic modules. Doctoral students must choose three modules, according to their research interests.



DEEL, Emerging Technologies, Online Teaching, Training Models, Online Learning Cultures, Digital Competencies, Learning Design, Digital Assessment.


It is expected that, at the end of the UC, students will be able to:

- Analyse the conceptual field of Distance Education and eLearning (DEEL) at macro, meso and micro levels.

- Analyse emerging themes of Distance Education, eLearning and related topics.

- Reflect critically and in a reasoned way on the selected themes for their individual path.


Programmatic topics

- Emerging Technologies in DEEL.

Simulations, Gamification, Augmented Reality, Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cybersecurity.

- Teaching and Professional Development in DEEL.

Actors and Strategies, Actors' Digital Skills, Training Models, Online Teaching.

- Universes of the Student in DEEL.

Cultures of Learning in EDEL, Digital Inclusion, Motivation, Online Well-Being.

- Design of Teaching and Learning in Contexts of DEEL. Pedagogical Models, EDEL Learning Design, EDEL Pedagogical Processes.

- Evaluation in DEEL.

Culture and Models of Evaluation in Digital Contexts, Dimensions of Evaluation and Sustainability.

- Organization and Management of Distance Education and ELearning Systems.

Policies, Systems, Infrastructures, Organizational Culture, Innovation, Quality Assessment.

Referências bibliográficas básicas:

Azevedo, A., & Azevedo, J. (2019). Handbook of Research on E-Assessment in Higher Education. IGI Global.

Çakiroglu, U., Kokoç, M., Gokoglu, M., Özturk, M., & Erdogdu, F. (2019). An Analysis of the Journey of Open and Distance Education: Major Concepts and Cutoff Points in Research Trends. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v20i1.3743

Leví-Orta, G., Sevillano-García, L. & Vázquez-Cano, E. (2020). An evaluation of university students’ latent and self-perceived digital competence in the use of mobile devices. European Journal of Education, 55 (3), 441– 455. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejed.12404

Gaspar, H., Morgado, L., Mamede, H. S., Oliveira, T., Manjón, B. F., & Gütl, C. (2020). Research priorities in immersive learning technology: the perspectives of the iLRN Community. Virtual Reality, 24 (2), 319-341.

Jung, I. (2019). Open and Distance Education Theory Revisited. Springer.


Teixeira, A., Bates, T., Mota, J. (2019). What future(s) for distance education universities? Towards an open network-based approach. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 22(1),107-126.



Teaching Methodology

In the seminar is expected the existence of processes of autonomous and collaborative work, promoting activities of:

a) analysis and discussion of scientific texts

b) participation in online seminars;

c) elaboration of sketches of research plans

d) study analysis in the field of DEEL;

e) sharing and discussing work done in restricted forums and on diverse platforms.

The seminar takes place on online platforms, using Web 2.0 devices. The virtual classroom expands to broader contexts where problems of research in DEEL are discussed and shared. The individual and group work will be shared and discussed in forums and diverse platforms, open or restricted, and will be part of the e-portfolio that the student will develop throughout his doctoral studies.



Evaluation is part of the learning process itself. It is continuous, formative and procedural, based on works which interlink the crucial stages of planning and development of the research process. The final classification of the seminar obeys to the adopted regulation of evaluation and classification, being descriptive and quantitatively expressed on a scale of 0 to 20.