Temas Avançados em Educação a Distância e eLearning I
Cod: 13029
Department: DEED
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 40

The Seminar on Advanced Themes in DEEL I is configured as an in-depth study of the main topicon the field of  innovative and paradigmatic thematic areas in contemporary DEEL

Distance Education; Open Education; Online Communication; Digital Literacy; Digital Transformation; Digital Media and Technologies; Contents in DEEL

At the end of the cu, the student should be able to:

 - Master the conceptual, terminological and procedural foundations of the area of Distance Education and eLearning.

- Analyze the issues related to digital transformation of teaching and learning processes in contexts DEEL.

 - Evaluate the impacts of technological transformation on systems, institutions and educational agents, in the context of new emerging learning scenarios.

- Design and build new scenarios for the educational process and its practices in the context of DEEL and in the context of the networked society.

- Fundamentals of Distance Education and eLearning.

Conceptual, procedural and terminological foundations in DEEL and its historical and sociotechnical dimensions are discussed. Conceptual principles, generations and models of DEEL are analysed.

- Online communication and DEEL.

Problematics of contemporary communication are addressed, online, face-to-face and hybrid communication processes are analysed in interpersonal, group and network contexts and their implications for educational processes.

- Participatory Culture, Inclusion and Equity in the context of DEEL.

The impacts of participatory culture, inclusion and equity as critical dimensions of digital transformation of teaching and learning processes in DEEL, social literacy, digital inequalities are analysed.

- Technologies and Media in DEEL

Characterization and evaluation of technologies / media in DEEL and current and emerging transformations.

- Contents in the system of DEEL

 Trends and role of Contents; models and production of contents in DEEL

- Open Education and DEEL

The aim is to evaluate the impact of Open Education and Open Science movements, in the context of DEEL, namely Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Educational Practices (OAP), MOOCs.

Bates, T. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age. TB Assoc.

Dias, P. (2017). Aprender na Sociedade Digital: para uma escola em rede. Conselho Nacional de Educação (Eds.) Aprendizagem, TIC e redes digitais (pp.164-171). CNE.

Jhangiani, R., & Biswas, R. (2017). Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionazing Education and Science. UPress.

Kuklinski, H.P., & Cobo, C. (2020). Expandir la universidad más allá de la enseñanza remota de emergencia Ideas hacia un modelo híbrido post-pandemia. OSchool.

Lachtem, C. (2018). Open and Distance non-formal education in developing countries. Springer.

Morgado, L., & Costa, A. (2018). Mapeamento das tendências de investigação em EAD e eLearning - 2004-2013. Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação, 53-71.

Weller, M. (2020). 25 Years of Ed Tech. Athabasca UP.

Zhang, K., Bonk, K., Reeves, T., & Reynolds, T. (2020). MOOCs and Open Education in the Global South. Taylor & Francis.

The SAT DEEL I contemplates autonomous and collaborative work processes, promoting activities of: a) analysis and discussion of scientific texts b) participation in online conferences; c) elaboration of articles and digital artefacts; d) sharing and discussion of work done in virtual classroom forums and open platforms. Given that the doctoral student may choose 4 out of 6 DEEL topics, a degree of flexibility in thematic choice and adaptation to the doctoral students' research interests is allowed within the seminar.

The STA DEEL I seminar takes place on the e-learning platform of the UAb complemented by a virtual platform.

The STA DEEL I seminar takes place on the e-learning platform of UAb complemented with the use of various Web 2.0 devices (Blogs, Wikis, Social Networks, etc.). The virtual classroom expands to open contexts where the themes of the seminar on advanced topics in DEEL and communities of researchers in the field are discussed and shared. Works and activities, individual and groupal, are shared and discussed in forums and diverse open platforms, as well as the e-portfolio that the student develops throughout his or her journey in the seminar.

Evaluation is part of the learning process itself. It is continuous, formative and procedural, based on the work and digital artefacts produced during the seminar. It has the following aspects: self-assessment, peer and teacher assessment. The final classification of the seminar follows the UAb's evaluation and classification regulations, being descriptive and quantitatively expressed on a scale from 0 to 20.