Tecnologias e Inovação
Cod: 61037
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Economics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The course unit aims to provide to students:
•    a focused approach in management techniques developed in the context of technological innovation;
•    a positive attitude towards the innovation and cretion development process, together with decision makers and entrepreneurs;
•    the understanding of methods and techniques of management of technology and innovation;
•    to emphasize technology and innovation as determinants of competitiveness of organizations and respective business strategy, as result from globalization of markets, technical developments and technology, as well as the increasing differentiated demands of customers.


Management of Technology
Innovation Management
Technological Innovation
Open Innovation

•    Understanding the techniques of management adapted to technological innovation;
•    Understanding the benefits of creativity in organizations;
•    Understanding the methods and techniques of innovation management applied to the development of products and services;
•    Acquire the basic skills needed to build a technology strategy for a company;
•    Understanding how technology and innovation are key factors for competitiveness.


• Innovation, creativity and technology
• Innovation Management and Technology transfer
• Innovation and the society
• Innovation and business strategy
• Innovation and Intellectual Capital
• Open Innovation
• Social Innovation

Mandatory Bibliography:

•     Negas, M., Carvalho, L. & Sousa, I. (2020). Inovação e Tecnologia – Uma visão multidisciplinar. Edições Sílabo, Lisboa 

Other (supportive) Bibliography:
•    Tidd, Joe, & Bessant, J. (2011). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, July: ISBN 978EUDTE00010
Relevant website link
• IAPMEI – Empreendedorismo - Manual do Empreendedor / Guia Prático do Empreendedor - https://www.iapmei.pt/PRODUTOS-E-SERVICOS/Empreendedorismo-Inovacao/Empreendedorismo-(1)/Guias-e-Manuais-de-Apoio.aspx
•    The Innovation Barometer -  https://oecd-opsi.org/innovations/the-innovation-barometer/

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Basic texts are written in Portuguese and English, however students are recommended to be competent in English as complementary readings may be in that language