Sociologia Geral
Cod: 41100
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Sociology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course reflects an approach to sociological thought as a specific field of knowledge and aims to identify and define the object and method of sociology, as well as describe and interpret the historical conditions of its emergence.
The course also aims to define and characterize fundamental concepts of this subject area, including those that enable the study of action, structure and social change, as guiding principles of sociological observation and interpretation.
Analyze epistemologically theoretical and methodological fundamental aspects of sociological thought, through the contribution of classical authors - Comte, Durkheim, Marx and Weber - is still one of the goals pursued in the discipline, providing students become familiar with the particular way of thinking and problematize the social reality according to the sociological tradition and understand its specific lexicon.

Social facts
Sociological thought
Sociological method

- Identify and understand the object of sociology;
- Mastering basic sociological concepts;
- Know how to characterize the nature of the sociological method;
- Knowing the classic sociological thinking and learn to question the social reality in the light of it.


1. What is sociology?
1.1. Object and sociology study method
1.2. Nature and specificities of sociological thought
1.3. Field study and analysis levels
1.4. Genesis and scientific affirmation of discipline
2. Classical sociological theories and their founders
2.1. Sociological Positivism: Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim
2.2. Historical Materialism: Karl Marx
2.3. The comprehensive and historical sociology :Max Weber
2.4. Functionalism
3. Normative dimension of societies
3.1. Rules, sanctions, order and social control
3.2. Roles and social status
3.3. Socialization process
4. Symbolic dimension of societies
4.1. Culture and social interaction
4.2. Values, symbols and social cohesion
4.3. The social construction of reality
5. Organizational dimension  of societies
5.1. Groups, organizations and social networks
5.2. Stratification and social mobility
5.3. Structure, action and social change

Giddens, Anthony, 2013, Sociologia (9ª edição), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian;
Guy, Rocher, Sociologia Geral, 1999, (7ªedição), Editorial Presença
Demartis, Lucia, 2012, Compêndio de Sociologia, Edições 70
Paiva, Ana, 2014, Pensamento Sociológico – Uma Introdução Didática às Teorias Clássicas, Pactor
Éitenne, Jean et al, 2008, Dicionário de Sociologia – As noções, os mecanismos e os autores, Plátano - Edições Técnicos

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).