Sociedade, Género e Poder
Cod: 41105
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Sociology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course aims to frame, from the point of view of social sciences, social relations from the analytical and relational category of gender.
 It is understood the social relations of gender as a central concept of social and political theory, particularly for understanding the contemporary world. In this sense, introduces the students to the analysis of social relations of gender as a social construct that emerges from the dynamics of power relations in each society that produce various forms of discrimination and inequalities in the intersectionality of various axes of belonging identiities  (eg . age, sex, class, ethnicity, physical condition, sexual orientation, etc.).
It searches therefore analyze the processes of social change emerging from reconfigurations of gender identities and power relations, creating new ways of being and living in society.

Definition of gender concept
Gender, equality and difference
Gender and power

Students should be able:
•    To know  in anthropological and sociological perspective  the construction of gender  concept so that it can contribute to a better understanding contemporary world.
•    Reflect in a critical way and, in a perspective of intersectionality, at the crossing  of several axes of power, differentiation and inequality.
•    Develop the capacity of students to reflet and criticize on subjects of scientific relevance and citizenship.

1.    Theoretical contributions to the development of gender concept:

1.1 authors : pioneers
1.2 critical reinterpretations
1.3 contemporary perspectives

2.    The notion of intersectionality of concepts.
2.1 Gender identity and belonging axes
2.2 Gender and power (s)

3.    Applicability of gender concept:
3.1 Gender, environment and development
3.2 Gender, bodies and spaces

Bourdieu, P.1998. A dominação masculina, Oeiras Celta.

Couto, Anabela G.; Ana I. Crespo;Isabel, Cruz; Ferreira; Ana M; Joaquim, Teresa (org.).2008. Variações sobre Sexo e Género. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte

hooks, bell, Brah, Avtar, Sandoval, Chela & Anzaldúa, Gloria (Orgas.), 1984/2004),   Otras inapropriables: feminismos desde las fronteras, Madrid, T de Sueños.

Mauss, M.1950. “As técnicas do corpo” in Sociologia e Antropologia,pp 365- 384

Mead, Margaret- 2007. Sexo e temperamento, S.Paulo, Editora Perpetiva

Scott, Joan W,1986.” Género uma categoria útil de análise histórica”in A.I. Crespo, A. M. Ferreira, A.G. Couto e T. Joaquim (orgs), Variações sobre Sexo e Género. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, pp 49-77

- In the online classroom it will be provided specific bibliography for each theme.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).