Sociedade e Cultura Francesas II
Cod: 31115
Department: DH
Scientific area: Culture
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit promotes knowledge and understanding on the specificities and relations among different social groups and among the technological, cultural, social and political phenomena that gave birth to contemporary France.

  1. 19th, 20th and 21st centuries France
  2. Culture
  3. Society

• prepare a synthesis document
• write a short essay or article
• understand and interpret major traits of French identity and culture
• grasp the major movements and moments of political, social and cultural life of twentieth century France
• relate data and issues to the topics studied
• identify and understand the characteristics of French identity and its origins in the recent historical past
• read critically, analyse and review documents related to French culture and society


This course promotes the understanding, deepening and systematising of knowledge about the key moments in nineteenth century French History and contemporary French society and culture. As such, study will be particularly focused on the entering the consumer society, the end of the century and new millennium, Literature and Society, Education, Culture and Science in France, May 68 and finally Foreign models. This study will be carried out through a critical reading of Sociedade e Cultura Francesas – Leituras e Perspetivas, by Luís Carlos Pimenta Gonçalves, História de França, by Marc Ferro, as well as other authors who have reflected on these phenomena, such as Roland Barthes Gilles Lipovetsky,through to Jean Fourastié andr Patrick Rotman. Because cultural and societal analysis requires constant updating of sources, trusted websites will also be used.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit'sobjectives:

The understanding , deepening and systematising of knowledge about the main key moments in the nineteenth century French History and contemporary French society and culture will be
fostered through reading, analysis and commentary of the main bibliography, as well as documents and support texts provided during the semester. While studying consumer society, from its beginnings to the twenty-first century, a critical use of websites, and institutional websites, in particular, will be required. The use of external sources will also be required to reflect on divisive issues of French society and culture, since the turn of the century. Media websites will also be consulted to stay up-to-date, in particular, during the celebration of important dates in French collective memory. Press reviews will measure the importance and consequences of the events of May 68. Through the study of works of fiction and essays, students will perceive how, in a globalised world, France is confronted with foreign social and cultural models.

  • FERRO, Marc, História de França. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2016. 844 p. ISBN: 9789724419015 (A maioria das livrarias online portuguesas e internacionais
    tem para venda esta obra. Deverá ter em conta que a edição de 2011 é idêntica e poderá ser adquirida em secunda mão).
  • GONÇALVES, Luís Carlos Pimenta, Sociedade e Cultura Francesas - Leituras e Perspetivas. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, Coleção Universitária, 2021. ISBN 9789726749011 (obra que poderá ser adquirida ou requisitada).

Excerpts from works will be made available throughout the semester. Articles and other documents that update the contents studied will also be made available, as well as another bibliography depending on the Training Activities and E-Folios.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation):

The course is taught at a distance through an e-learning platform and privileges asynchronous communication. The teaching methodology includes theoretical expositions, study guidelines, planning of training and summative activities, clarification of doubts in forums moderated by the teacher. Learning is structured in six major stages, or themes, which last approximately two weeks each, based on the reading of the main bibliography, as well as documents made available throughout the semester and content that can be consulted on websites. The training activities have as their object analysis of problems and/or comments on documents. The continuous evaluation consists of two e-folios (written works in digital format), throughout the academic
semester, and a final moment of evaluation (Global e-folio), to take place at the end of the semester. The final evaluation consists of an exam.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes:

The pursuit of the objectives throughout the semester is structured in six stages, or themes, through the study of fundamental texts, as well as excerpts from monographs by a dozen reference authors. The theoretical and expository teaching of French Society and Culture II is carried out through the Virtual Classroom of an e-learning platform and aims to provide systematized knowledge about the consumer society in France, about the challenges of the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the millennium, to reflect on the relationship between cinema and society, to understand the importance of education, of culture and science in France, as well as identify the causes and consequences of May 68. Collaborative learning is also present through the creation of Wikis, allowing the synthesis of issues addressed in the Virtual Classroom and in the texts studied. Peer collaboration is also embodied through the joint elaboration of chronologies or glossaries of concepts. Forums allow you to launch a new topic to be studied or to make a point on an issue. Through the forums, students are encouraged to debate the main facts, trends and social and cultural ruptures in France from the 19th to the 21st centuries. The training activities allow the verification and consolidation of knowledge, as well as the validation of the acquisitions made by the students over several weeks of study. These activities also have a propaedeutic dimension and aim to prepare the various moments of the continuous (e-folios and Global e-folio) and final evaluation. In the training activities, disseminated throughout thesemester, as well as in the moments of summative evaluation, textual, iconographic, audiovisual documents conceived or not for didactic purposes will be analyzed, comments or short essays on the problems addressed will be elaborated.

The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.