Sociedade e Cultura Alemãs I
Cod: 31108
Department: DH
Scientific area: Culture
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course focuses on studying the roots of contemporary German society, under its cultural, political and social perspectives. Defining a time period of the 18th century, this course will focus on specific historical and ideological subject-matter, mainly concerning the German perception of its political and cultural identity.

Culture and National Identity
History (18th Century)
Bourgeois/Citizen/Burger, Burgertum Culture (18ht Century)
Bildung and Experience

• Generic and specific knowledge on the German culture and society, namely on the historical during the 18th century, so that a clear picture of what defines the German-speaking geographical space is given, with its cultural diversity and its identity in the contemporary European context.
• Understanding and aplying of theoretical concepts and of specific knowledge to historical and cultural phenomena.
• Critical reading and use of selected historical texts and documents on the autonomous and analytical reflection on certain subject-matter of historical events.
• Gathering, selecting and interpreting of relevant data for the analysis of specific historical, cultural and social phenomena or themes.
• Ability to cross, or to transfer, or to compare different viewpoints on the same subject-matter.
• Ability to compare,to argue and to communicate theoretically on themes, concepts, and historical and cultural phenomena.

• Culture and national identity: the German case - an introduction.

• Germany in the 18th Century and the formation of the cross-cultural European space.

• Germany in the 18th Century and the Bürger culture.

The core-base material of study will be selected from the following blibliography as well as other references and online open resources recommended throughout the course, at the e-learning platform.h
AMARANTE, Maria Antónia (1983), «As cadeias de Prometeu: Modos de afirmação e crise da cultura burguesa na Alernanha», in João BARRENTO (org.), Literatura e Sociedade Burguesa na Alemanha - Séculos XVIII e XIX, Lisboa, Apaginastantas, pp. 7-43.
BARRENTO, João (1989), Literatura Alemã. Textos e Contextos (1700-1900). Lisboa, Presença (2 vols.).  
BARRENTO (org.) (1983), Literatura e Sociedade Burguesa na Alemanha - Séculos XVIII e XIX. Introdução de Maria Antónia Amarante. Organização, glossário e notas de João Barrento, Lisboa, Apaginastantas.
BEUTIN, Wolfang (1993), História da Literatura Alemã, das origens à actualidade, vols. I e II, Cosmos/Apaginastantas. 
ELIAS, Norbert (1989) O Processo Civilizacional. Investigações sociogenéticas e psicogenéticas. Trad. de Lidia Campos Rodrigues. Lisboa, Pub. Dom Quixote 1989 (2 vols.)
HAZARD, Paul (1983), O Pensamento Europeu no século XVIII de Montesquieu a Lessing. Trad. Carlos G. Babo, Lisboa, Presença.
HERDER, Johann Gottfried (1987), Ensaio sobre a Origem da Linguagem, trad José M. Justo. , Lisboa, Antígona.  
HERDER, Johann Gottfried (1995), Também uma Filosofia da História para a Formação da Humanidade. Tradução, notas e posfácio de José M. Justo. Lisboa, Antígona.  
OPITZ, Alfred (Coord.) (1998), Sociedade e Cultura Alemãs, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
RUDÉ, Georges (1988), A Europa no Século XVIII, Lisboa: Gradiva.
SCHEIDL, Ludwig et al. (1993), Dois Séculos de História Alemã (Politica, Sociedade e Cultura). Coimbra, Fac. Letras.


The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.